Chapter 13: Duped

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My back was killing me, my mind was killing me, everything was slowly but surely slaughtering me, and not in a kind way. My eyes were sunken into my skull, my limbs felt sore over all of the monsters and misery I had to kill, and my sword was scratched and beaten up to oblivion. My main shield was now gone, I had to use the tiniest shield known to mankind, and better yet I still had one specific thought stuck inside my mind:

My brother.

Or well, secret brother I should add. I had legitimately never met, hadn't even heard of, and had never seen my parents remark him whatsoever. Yet, he was still alive, and he was here in this world with me.

I was blood-related with a total stranger.

I was utterly spooked by that thought. Imagine yourself walking through the street, or walking into a train station, and seeing all of those people walking, talking, smiling, and sitting around.

Are you ready? Because then you realize out of all of those strangers, one of them was your sibling.

It's crazy, right? My mind would've been blown right off based on that information alone... if it wasn't for the fact my parents were still abducted.

This brings me to the last region that lead to the building. I had been thinking about my secret brother throughout the walk as we stopped near a small tree to rest. I sat down and said,

"We should relax here for a little bit before continuing on. We just spent nearly all of our energy on the last three regions."

"Agreed, I'm just gonna..." Cyan flopped onto the ground face-first and sighed in relief. Yellow leaned on the tree next to me and stared upwards at the leaves while Lime sat down and patted Cyan's head.

It was a peaceful scene, a nice change of scenery while the sun shone brightly over the extended grassy field. I didn't feel any emotion whatsoever, I felt more or less neutral. I glimpsed at the little ants walking their way up the tree bark and once I smiled, I—

Now pause.

It seems like I had forgotten there were only three regions to the building. How did I forget about this? I had no idea, perhaps my mind was filled to the brim with bright and beautiful ideas of living all alone in this scenic place.

My mind took itself on a self-cleanse. I glanced forward and saw the grass moving through the soft wind as if it was alluding me to follow its breeze. My brain, my limbs, my movement, everything became so unbelievably serene. In the back of my mind, I thought maybe the scenery around me was too peaceful. Maybe this wasn't the place I thought it was...

Was this an illusion? I closed my eyes slowly and craned my neck upwards while I heard Yellow lean off of the tree and say,

"Why do I smell... uhm, never mind."

"Hm? Oh, alright." I said while shrugging. She leaned back into the tree though her expression spoke the word 'confusion.' I looked from her worried expression to the grass once more as Cyan got up from the ground and said,

"Okay, that was a great couple of minutes and all. But we should actually get going before something bad happens to your parents."

"Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to agree with Cyan of all people here. C'mon Orange, let's go." Yellow said while she extended her hand at me. I sighed, grabbed her hand, and once she pulled me up, we went on our way away from the tree to a fruitful plain.

I still hadn't remembered there were only three regions. Why, why, why couldn't I just remember that there were only three regions!?! Why did I think there were four when I clearly saw that there were in actuality three!? This whole region must be an illusion, an escape from my stressful mind. Please, I'm begging myself! SNAP OUT OF I—

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