Chapter 12: After

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"Well, this looks... friendly," Cyan said. We had entered into the next region.

To give you a preview of how demented Cyan was, the region we just entered seemed to have massive icicles poking from the ground and a gigantic frozen lake in the middle of the region. This place looked anything but peaceful.

"Cyan, this region sucks ass." Yellow said while shivering and holding her body tightly together by her arms. I was tempted to give her a sweater... until I realized that I didn't have a sweater on me. All I had was a shirt, pants, and disgusting shoes that I didn't even want to describe the condition of.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Say whatever you want sun princess. I'd say this region is much more calm and beautiful than the scolding water and eerie nature we had just gone through."

"I didn't even defend those areas being peaceful. I just said that this specific region gives me creepy vibes." Yellow replied.

"HOW!?? This region doesn't even have any monsters as far as I can see, which if you didn't know by now, is pretty damn far!" Cyan exclaimed. Yellow just sighed and dropped the argument while I moved over to Lime and asked,

"It's pretty cold isn't it?"

"Mhm... I hope it doesn't get colder once we go deeper." She replied. The icicles around us were still and lifeless, the dirt-filled land we were walking on had turned into an ice-packed and snowy surface. I had a difficult time trying not to slip on the ice while Lime used her staff as a crutch to lean onto.

Yellow slipped... a whole lot more than the rest of us. Based on her facial expression every time she fell, I would bet she was getting more and more pissed off by the minute. Cyan was just fine though! She could go through slick surfaces with ease, it must've been one of her natural abilities or something.

"C'mon guys! Keep up!" Cyan exclaimed smugly.

"Shut the fuck up," Yellow muttered through her gritted teeth. Cyan moved over to her struggling body and said,

"Sorry, what did you say? I couldn't hear you over the pounding of your body on the ice." Yellow took out her box which turned into a staff and as the bottom of her staff, which was pointed like a pike, was stabbed into the ice, she said,

"I said you're an asshole."

"Speaking of assholes, yours seems to be a little injured due to all of the tumbles you had. Are you sure you don't need an ice pack?" Yellow flipped the bird at her and as Cyan laughed in her face, Lime went over to me and asked,

"Can you uhm, do me a favor while those two are distracted?"

"Sure, what is it?" I asked her back.

"Can you take a look at my injury? I feel a sort of sharp pang that keeps pricking at me in my shoulder ever since we entered this region." She said while holding in a stifled groan. I nodded and gingerly took off the leaf on her shoulder.

Her shoulder looked disgustingly bruised, yet other than that the leaf, or maybe it was because of her own flesh, had somehow closed up the entrance and exit wound of the bullet hole. I was surprised to say the very least and I applied the leaf back to her shoulder.

"You're fine. It just looks like the leaf created a sort of bruise on your shot, but you should be okay otherwise." I said even though I had no medical experience whatsoever. Lime trusted my words and nodded as we began again through the icy region.

We would've flown, truth be told we should've since we needed to get to my parents as soon as possible, but since the last two regions had mechanisms to prevent flying, we decided to not take that risk. As a result, we had to trek ever so carefully through the increasingly slippery ice that I couldn't find a grip on my shoes whatsoever.

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