Chapter 6: Conflicted

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Cyan looked like she had been through hell and back as she held an injured Lime in her arms. She kept repeating that "everything would be okay" to Lime even though the blood just kept spilling from her right shoulder. Yellow gulped down some built-up saliva and said to Cyan,

"C-Cyan.. I don't want to be that type of person. But I don't think she'll be okay—"

"SHUT UP! SHE'S GONNA BE JUST FINE!" She yelled out in a sudden burst of anger. Though in reality, it wasn't exactly sudden. Her best friend did just get shot after all.

"I... don't know about that. We desperately need to find a map that locates the world and a hospital." Yellow said while closing her eyes and scrunching her face. She was deep in thought, I better leave her to it and see if I could do anything for Lime.

Her wound was fresh to say at the very least. She groaned and moaned in pain as I tried to see if there was an exit wound for the bullet. However, since she had laid on Cyan's arms chest upward, that meant I had to fly below Cyan's arms to get a better look which was... an uncomfortable position.

"I-Is she gonna be fine?" Cyan hesitated.

"Does it look like she's gonna be fine?!" I exclaimed towards her. She fell silent after that while I examined closer at the blood escaping from her back. Yup, there was an exit wound, thank god! That meant that I nor anyone else for that matter would have to go on a scavenger hunt for the bullet before an infection started. And if you're wondering how I know this, thank White.

"Alright well, there's some good news and bad news. The good news is that—"

"You're not even going to give me an option!?!" Cyan exclaimed towards me. I looked towards her, rolled my eyes, and said,

"Stop being such a crybaby. The good news is that she's going to be just fine, we have to patch her up and let her heal though before she loses too much blood. Since you have the long-range sight ability, maybe you can find somewhere we can stop to stop the bleeding properly?" Cyan looked embarrassed as she frantically looked around for anywhere we could hide and possibly find medical supplies and a map. However, as she scanned the horizon, Yellow and I spotted something far worse than we could've imagined.

It was... ugh.



What? Do you guys actually like rain!? Why?! All it does is just make people sick and miserable!

And even if you do play in the rain, the chances of actually having fun are next to none. Sure, listening to the rain while reading a book or watching a low-volume show might be nice, but god DAMN! The cons outweigh the pros for rain!

Apparently, it looked like Yellow shared that same rainy terror that I had as she stared at the clouds pouring rain only a handful of miles ahead of us. She gulped and looked towards the ground before saying,

"I see a road around a mile-ish from here to the right of us. If we can get there and take shelter in a tree or structure, we could help Lime while also planning on where to go next! Follow me!" She exclaimed as she turned a sharp right. Cyan had to stop in place and turn her wings to face forward while I followed Yellow closely behind.

Her hair flew in the wind wildly as a couple of strands of it hit my face. I sputtered and spat at the hair while saying,

"Yellow, you really need to tie your hair!"

"Hm? Well why are you flying so close to me in the first place dumbass?"

"Because uh... I don't wanna lose you." I answered honestly. She just looked at me weirdly and stared back toward the direction she was flying. Cyan had been lagging behind yet she picked up the pace of her wings and after nearly two minutes or so, we were at the road Yellow had mentioned.

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