Chapter 11: Before

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As soon as Cyan and Yellow reached us after a full HOUR of waiting, I was understandably pissed off while I had regained half of my energy back from... what I did with that beast only a handful of minutes beforehand. I jumped from Stassy and jogged toward Yellow and Cyan who were both entirely covered in goo.

"I told you that the bug was explosive." Yellow told Cyan as she groaned and tried to swipe the goo away from her hair and clothes. I walked over to the both of them and yelled,


"Hey, we should be asking the same exact question to you! We thought you were still right behind us when we were running away from that beast! You obviously got away from it, but Cyan decided to try to hide inside some type of plant with massive teeth that nearly chomped us to fucking bits! We ran away from the plant after I had to kill it single-handedly thanks to this absolutely useless bag of flesh and bones. After that, we spotted a couple of bugs and Cyan thought it would be a fantastic idea to kill them for food."

"HEY! I didn't kill them for food dumbass! I killed them because I wanted to! Get it right!"

"THAT DOESN'T MATTER WHEN OUR CLOTHES AND BODIES ARE COVERED IN GOO! Oh my god, you're going to give me a stroke! And where were you?!" Yellow asked me suspiciously. I scratched the back of my head and was tempted to say the truth about my encountering that beast and how my main shield was now gone temporarily, though I just sighed and smiled away as I usually did while saying,

"I was just collecting some berries. You can even ask Lime!"

"Yup! He had berry juice all over his hands and fingers. Too bad he wiped it off though, I probably would've licked them." I genuinely contorted my face at that while Cyan waved off what Lime said and asked,

"Alright well, we've gotten through the first stage of the building. This is going to be the next one?" The path winded down a hill which caused us to see the whole region we had to traverse next. It was a mostly shallow water biome, though it had no trees which didn't make it a swamp. It instead had lily pads scattered around the water with an invisible dome shape encircling the entire biome we were walking towards. I looked up and as Cyan glanced at me, she asked,

"Wait, can't we just fly over this to get to the next region?"

"I'm gonna take a guess in that being a definitive no since there's probably something lurking in the water that'll snatch you up in an instant." I responded. We walked down the hill and the soles of our shoes started to get moist. I began to feel a burning sensation near my toes, but I ignored it as we went on through the land that was slowly turning into water.

"This looks way more peaceful than the last biome we encountered," Lime said as the water under our feet began to make minuscule splashing noises that went alongside our footsteps. I nodded at her and said,

"Yeah, it is a bit more peaceful isn't it?"

"A little too peaceful if you ask me," Cyan mumbled out. I rolled my eyes ant her and said,

"Sometimes you have to take the optimistic route of life Cyan! For example, that snail over there looks adorable and wouldn't hurt or injure us in the slightest!" I pointed towards a snail on a lily pad while saying this. Cyan shook her head, went over to the snail, and tried to step on it brutally.

However, as soon as her foot landed right into the lily pad and on top of the snail, the water began boiling excessively on our feet. Stassy, who had been walking with us this entire time, neighed out a loud screech and ran back towards the land while Lime and Cyan started to freak out as they hopped onto the lily pad Cyan had stepped on. The snail was nowhere to be seen, though I had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time we would see it.

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