Part 2

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hello guys,

ready to meet our hero.

Naina's Pov:

Then, out of nowhere, came the proposal. Naina was used to her mother's occasional attempts to set her up with potential suitors, but this time, it was different. Her mother's voice held an unusual excitement when she called.

"Naina, you have to meet this man," her mother said, almost breathless. "He's from a very good family, and his name is Arjun Malhotra. They've heard about your work at ISRO. They're impressed."

Naina's first instinct was to say no. She wasn't ready for this—an arranged marriage, a future she hadn't even allowed herself to imagine. But her mother's plea to at least meet him wore her down. Reluctantly, she agreed, reminding herself that nothing would come of it. Men like Arjun, successful and dashing, weren't interested in women like her. She was practical, serious, not someone who would sweep a man off his feet.

but boy how wrong she was..

The proposal itself was both awkward and unexpectedly fun. Naina had braced herself for something formal, stiff, and distant. After all, it was an arranged marriage. She expected Arjun to treat it like a business deal, something to be negotiated and agreed upon with no real personal investment. What she hadn't expected was to meet a man who was so effortlessly charming, who seemed to genuinely enjoy teasing her in the most unexpected moments.

It started with their second official meeting, a casual lunch set up by their families. The restaurant was trendy, filled with the hum of quiet conversation and clinking cutlery. Naina was nervous, as usual, but Arjun's ease made it difficult to stay in her shell. He noticed everything, down to the way she shifted uncomfortably whenever the conversation turned personal.

"So, how do you feel about this whole arranged marriage thing?" he asked casually, leaning back in his chair as if they were talking about the weather.

Naina blinked, not expecting the directness of his question. "Um... I guess it's fine? I mean, it's the way most people do it, right?"

He grinned, clearly amused by her awkwardness. "It's fine?" he echoed, his voice teasing. "That's your stance on potentially spending the rest of your life with me? Just fine?"

Naina's cheeks burned. "I didn't mean it like that," she stammered, embarrassed. "I just—well, I don't really know you."

Arjun's eyes twinkled as he leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table. "Well then, let's fix that. I'd rather you marry me because you like me, not just because our parents think it's a good match. Don't you agree?"

The way he said it—with a mixture of playfulness and sincerity—made Naina smile despite herself. She hadn't expected this kind of candidness, this ability to laugh at the situation and make it lighter.

Arjun wasn't like anyone she had met before. He was confident, yes, but not in an overbearing way. He made her feel like they were equals, like this whole thing was an adventure they were in together, rather than something she had to go through alone.

"I guess we can work on that," Naina said, her tone softening, a smile creeping onto her face.

Arjun grinned, and for the first time, Naina felt something stir inside her—something more than just nerves. It was excitement, the possibility of something good, something different. For the first time, marriage didn't seem like such a distant, formal concept. It felt like the start of something real.


Finally, :)

Arjun's Pov:

Before Arjun had even laid eyes on Naina, he had already formed an image of her in his mind. It wasn't based on physical descriptions or family whispers, but on the quiet but steady excitement building within him. His family had talked endlessly about the match—how Naina was intelligent, accomplished, and kind-hearted. But the truth was, Arjun hadn't paid much attention to the specifics. What had excited him was the mystery of it all.

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