part 4

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look who is getting married today:

Naina's Pov:

On the eve of their wedding, Naina lay awake in her bed, staring at the ceiling as her mind raced. Tomorrow, she would be married. Married to a man she had only known for a few months, a man she hadn't yet confessed her true feelings to.

She didn't know what the future held for them, but she hoped—hoped—that what they had begun to build would blossom into something more. Arjun had been patient, kind, and understanding, and for the first time in her life, Naina felt like she was on the verge of something real.

Maybe, just maybe, this marriage wouldn't be just another arrangement. Maybe it would be the start of something beautiful—something that would allow her to finally let go of the insecurities that had held her back for so long.

As she drifted off to sleep, Naina found herself smiling at the thought of Arjun's playful grin, the sound of his laughter, and the way he made her feel more like herself than she ever had before.


Arjun's Pov:

In the days following their first meeting, Arjun couldn't stop thinking about Naina. He had expected the encounter to be another box to check off, another meeting that would either lead to marriage or not. But Naina... she was different. There was a quiet grace about her that he found calming, but also a strength that intrigued him.

He found himself wanting to know more about her. What was she like outside of these formal settings? How did she spend her free time? What was she passionate about beyond her work? He knew she loved data science and algorithms, but what were her fears, her dreams? What made her laugh when no one was watching?

Every time they met after that—whether it was for wedding shopping or at family gatherings—Arjun's curiosity only grew. She was reserved, but not cold. In fact, he started to notice the small ways she let her guard down around him. The way she would smile a little more freely when they shared a joke, or how her eyes would soften when they talked about something personal, even if she wasn't ready to fully open up yet.

There was a warmth in Naina, one that was buried beneath years of self-doubt, and Arjun wanted to be the one to help her realize that she didn't have to hide it anymore. He didn't need her to be anyone but herself.

As the wedding day approached, Arjun felt a growing sense of anticipation. It wasn't nerves, not exactly, but excitement mixed with a bit of uncertainty. He knew they hadn't fully opened up to each other yet, but that was okay. There was something about the process of discovery that thrilled him—the idea that they would continue to learn about each other, even after the wedding.

He could see that Naina was still holding back, still a little unsure of herself, but that only made him more determined to show her that she didn't have to be. He wanted to be the person she could lean on, someone who would accept her fully, even the parts she was too afraid to show.

On the night before the wedding, Arjun lay awake in bed, his mind filled with thoughts of Naina. He wondered how she was feeling, whether she was as nervous as he was, whether she was thinking about him, too. He smiled at the thought of their life together—the adventures they would have, the quiet moments they would share, the challenges they would face and overcome as a team.

There was a flicker of hope in his chest, a certainty that this wasn't just a marriage of convenience or tradition. It was the start of something real, something that could blossom into love, given the right time and care.

And for the first time in his life, Arjun felt like he was exactly where he was meant to be.



Naina and Arjun's wedding was a celebration that felt like the perfect blend of tradition and simplicity, just like them. Set against the backdrop of a Mumbai evening, the venue was adorned with soft lights and marigold flowers, giving the atmosphere a warm, golden glow.

Naina chose to wear a stunning emerald green lehenga, a color that held a special place in her heart. It reminded her of lush landscapes and fresh beginnings, a perfect reflection of her new journey.

As Naina stepped into the venue, adorned in her vibrant lehenga, she caught the whispers among her family.

just her mother had done few weeks ago.

"Naina, are you sure about this color?" her mother asked, eyebrows knitting together in concern. "Green is not the traditional choice. You should be in red; it symbolizes love and prosperity. What will people say?"

Naina felt a pang of disappointment but stood her ground. "But Mom, I love this shade! It represents a fresh start for me, a new chapter in my life."

Her mother sighed, glancing at the lehenga again, her disappointment palpable. "I just want you to look perfect on your wedding day. Everyone will expect to see you in the traditional colors."

"Mom," Naina replied gently, "this is my wedding too. I want it to reflect who I am."

While her mother remained hesitant, Naina could sense that her choice might not be fully accepted. However, she also knew that her happiness mattered, and she was determined to wear what felt right for her.

However, amidst the murmurings of disapproval, Arjun's family embraced her choice wholeheartedly. They admired her unique flair and praised her boldness. "She looks radiant," one of Arjun's aunts remarked, her eyes sparkling with approval.

When Arjun saw Naina in her green lehenga, his heart swelled with pride. He loved that she was unapologetically herself. In that moment, Naina realized that true acceptance came not from conforming to expectations but from being genuine. As she took Arjun's hand in the sacred vows, she felt a newfound confidence blossom within her—a promise that they would face the world together, no matter the colors they wore.

As they exchanged garlands and performed the sacred rituals, Naina's mind wandered, still unsure of what to expect from this union. But every time she glanced at Arjun, he was there, with a reassuring smile that silently promised her patience and understanding.

The ceremony wasn't overly grand, but it was filled with meaningful moments—small glances, shared smiles, and the quiet understanding that this was the beginning of something special. When Arjun held her hand during the pheras, Naina felt a flicker of hope.

By the time they took their final vows, something had shifted. In that sacred firelight, amidst family blessings and whispered promises, Naina felt the first stirrings of a new, shared future.


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till next part,

your captain harmosa,


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