Bonus chapter

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i am seriously like to write short stories now, they are just perfect, no writer blocks for now at least.

The early days of marriage had been magical for Ananya and Ayaan. They were two powerful people navigating a complex life, deeply in love, balancing their personal moments amidst their royal and professional responsibilities. But life, as it often does, threw in unexpected challenges. Just when they were starting to feel settled, Ayaan's business demanded his attention. A critical meeting with international investors required him to travel abroad for several days.

"It's only a week," Ayaan promised, brushing a kiss on her forehead before leaving. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

Ananya smiled, though the thought of his absence left her feeling hollow. She was used to managing on her own—after all, she had built a law firm from the ground up—but Ayaan's presence had quickly become her comfort.

However, just a day after Ayaan left, a high-profile legal case landed in her lap, one she couldn't turn down. It demanded every ounce of her time and energy. Between managing the press, working late hours at the firm, and preparing for court, her world turned into a blur of deadlines and arguments.


By the time Ayaan returned from his trip, jet-lagged but excited to be with her, Ananya was buried in case files.

He found her seated in their home office, papers scattered around. She didn't even notice him walk in until he spoke. "Hey... not even a 'welcome back' for your husband?" he teased lightly, trying to mask the sting of her preoccupation.

Ananya glanced up, looking tired. "I'm sorry, Ayaan. This case is huge. I've barely had time to sleep, let alone—"

"I get it," he interrupted, his voice sharper than he intended. "You're busy. It's just... I was hoping you'd at least care that I was back."

The sudden bitterness in his tone caught her off guard. "I do care, Ayaan. But I'm not sitting here for fun. This case could change everything for the firm."

"And what about us?" he shot back, frustration simmering. "Does that get pushed aside too?"

Ananya felt her heart twist at his words. She knew he didn't mean to sound harsh, but the exhaustion from both their schedules made it hard to be patient.

"This isn't fair," she whispered, hurt creeping into her voice. "I didn't ask for this case to drop into my lap. I'm trying my best, Ayaan."

His expression softened slightly, guilt flashing in his eyes, but the damage had been done. They exchanged a few more tense words before Ayaan left the room, slamming the door behind him.


The fight left them both emotionally drained. For the next few days, they tiptoed around each other. The warmth they usually shared felt distant, replaced by awkward silences. Ayaan hated how things had spiraled but didn't know how to make things right without sounding insincere.

Ananya, too, was battling her own emotions. She knew Ayaan didn't mean to be hurtful, but his words had stung. And though they were both sorry, neither knew how to take the first step toward reconciliation.

At night, Ayaan would roll over, wanting to pull her close but hesitating, unsure if she still felt the same warmth toward him. Ananya, on the other hand, lay awake, longing for him to make the first move.


After a week of strained silence, Ayaan decided he couldn't take it any longer. He needed to fix things before the distance between them grew wider. He waited patiently until Ananya's case ended, then made his move.

The night she won her case, Ananya came home exhausted but relieved, ready to collapse into bed. Instead, she found Ayaan waiting for her by the door, holding her coat and an overnight bag.

"What's this?" she asked, confused.

"We're going on a trip," Ayaan said simply, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.

"A trip? Now? Where?"

"Someplace quiet. Someplace where it's just us," he replied, taking her hand. "I've already packed everything. All you need to do is come with me."

Ananya blinked, her exhaustion forgotten. "Ayaan... you planned all this?"

He gave her a crooked smile. "I needed to remind you—and myself—that we're in this together. No more work. No more responsibilities. Just you and me."


The place Ayaan had chosen was a secluded hill station, tucked away in the mountains. Crisp air, serene landscapes, and no interruptions—just the escape they both desperately needed.

Their days were filled with quiet walks through pine forests, lazy breakfasts in bed, and playful teasing. Ananya felt herself relax in ways she hadn't in months. Ayaan, too, seemed lighter—no longer weighed down by responsibilities.

One afternoon, they rented a bike, and Ayaan took her on a ride through winding roads, his carefree laughter filling the air. She held him tightly, her heart thudding in her chest—not just from the thrill of the ride but from the overwhelming love she felt for him.

That night, after dinner under the stars, Ayaan pulled her into his lap on the porch of their cabin. "I've missed this," he murmured against her hair. "I've missed you."

Ananya smiled, her fingers tracing lazy circles on his chest. "I've missed you too, Ayaan. More than I realized."

They stayed like that, wrapped in each other's warmth, no words needed to fill the silence.


On the last day of their trip, as they sat on the cabin's porch watching the sunrise, Ananya shifted nervously beside Ayaan. He noticed her fidgeting and tilted his head. "What's on your mind?"

She bit her lip, her heart racing. "I need to tell you something."

Ayaan turned toward her, his brows knitting in concern. "What is it?"

Ananya took a deep breath, her hand finding his. "I'm pregnant, Ayaan."

For a moment, he just stared at her, stunned. "You... you're serious?" he whispered, his voice filled with disbelief and wonder.

She nodded, her eyes glistening. "Yes."

Ayaan let out a breathless laugh, pulling her into his arms. "Ananya... we're going to be parents."

His excitement was contagious, and soon they were both laughing, tears of joy streaming down their faces.

Ayaan cupped her face, pressing his forehead against hers. "You have no idea how happy you've made me."

Ananya smiled through her tears. "I think I have some idea."

As they held each other, the sun rising over the horizon, it felt like the perfect beginning to their next chapter—a chapter filled with love, growth, and the promise of a family.


and that the wrap up .

see you in next story

see you in next story

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