Part 4

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hello people


After the whirlwind of their marriage and the grand reception, Ananya and Ayaan settled into a rhythm of married life. But it was anything but ordinary. Ananya, now a princess, had to navigate the complexities of royal duties, a far cry from her usual life as a high-powered lawyer.

Every day, she was learning the ropes—attending meetings with the royal family, greeting dignitaries, and becoming the poised and graceful figure expected of her. Yet, she was determined not to lose her identity as a career woman. Mornings were often spent at the law firm, where her sharp legal mind was still in demand. Afternoons were reserved for royal duties, and by evening, she was back at the palace, figuring out how to juggle these two worlds.

Ayaan was her biggest supporter. He admired her ability to transition between her professional life and the royal responsibilities she had inherited. While he had been raised in this world, he knew how overwhelming it could be for someone like Ananya, who was fiercely independent and never one to conform easily.


One evening, they attended a grand party thrown by one of the elite social circles in the royal family's network. It was an elegant affair, with opulent chandeliers, flowing champagne, and the who's who of high society present. Ananya had grown more comfortable in these settings, though she still felt like an outsider at times.

As the evening progressed, Ananya noticed a familiar figure—Princess Kavya. Dressed in a figure-hugging gown, Kavya was as glamorous and poised as ever. She had once been touted as the ideal match for Ayaan by the royal family, and though nothing had ever come of it, her presence always stirred up old gossip.

Kavya's eyes gleamed when she saw Ayaan and Ananya. With a practiced smile, she approached them, her attention clearly fixated on Ayaan.

"Ayaan," Kavya greeted him, ignoring Ananya entirely. "It's been so long. You look as handsome as ever."

Ananya's jaw clenched. She wasn't the type to get rattled easily, but the way Kavya leaned in, touching Ayaan's arm a little too familiarly, set off a possessive fire inside her.

Kavya continued her flirty banter, edging closer to Ayaan as if Ananya weren't standing right next to him. "I've been meaning to catch up with you. There's so much we need to discuss. You should stop by for tea sometime."

Ananya's eyes narrowed. She wasn't going to let this slide. Without thinking, she stepped in between them, her hand sliding possessively onto Ayaan's arm, pulling him closer to her. "That's sweet of you, Kavya," Ananya said, her voice calm but firm. "But Ayaan's schedule is quite full these days—with royal duties and, of course, his time with me."

Kavya's smile faltered slightly, her eyes flickering with annoyance. Ayaan, standing beside Ananya, couldn't help but smirk at the way his wife asserted herself. He found her possessiveness endearing, especially since she usually kept her cool. Seeing her claim her territory in such a subtle, yet powerful, way made his chest swell with pride—and something else he couldn't quite name.

Kavya, sensing that she wasn't going to get anywhere, gave a tight smile. "Of course. Well, the offer still stands."

As she walked away, Ananya let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Her face flushed slightly from the tension. She was rarely the jealous type, but something about Kavya trying to worm her way into their lives got under her skin.


Later that evening, when they returned to the palace, Ananya was still visibly on edge. Ayaan watched her from across the room, a playful glint in his eye. He knew how to calm her down, but this time, he had something special in mind.

"Are you okay?" Ayaan asked, leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, as Ananya sat by the vanity, removing her jewelry.

"Fine," she replied, though the slight edge in her voice said otherwise.

He chuckled softly. "You know, you were pretty hot back there. I didn't expect my wife to get so possessive. I liked it."

Ananya shot him a look through the mirror. "I wasn't possessive. I just... didn't appreciate how close she was getting."

Ayaan pushed off the doorframe, walking over to her, his fingers gently lifting her chin so she looked directly at him. "Well, for what it's worth, you don't have to worry. There's only one woman I'm interested in, and she's standing right in front of me."

His words softened her, and she felt the tension begin to melt away. But Ayaan wasn't done. He took her hand, pulling her to her feet. "Come with me," he said with a teasing smile.

Curious, Ananya followed him as they made their way down to the palace garage. Inside, among the sleek cars and luxurious vehicles, Ayaan led her to a hidden corner where a black, sleek motorbike stood, gleaming under the dim lights.

"Surprise," Ayaan said, grinning like a schoolboy.

Ananya's eyes widened in disbelief. "This... this is yours?"

Ayaan nodded. "Sometimes, being a royal can get a little... stuffy. I like to escape. Get away from all the formality. And when I do, this is my ride."

He handed her a helmet, his grin widening. "Want to go for a ride, Mrs. Rathore?"

Ananya couldn't believe it. She had seen Ayaan as the composed, polished crown prince, always impeccably dressed, always in control. This carefree, rebellious side of him was a revelation—and she loved it.

Without hesitation, she took the helmet, a thrill of excitement coursing through her. She mounted the bike behind him, her arms wrapping tightly around his waist as they sped off into the night.

The wind whipped through her hair, the city lights blurring as they zipped through the streets, far away from the royal palaces and high society. It was just them, the open road, and the freedom they rarely got to experience. Ananya leaned into Ayaan, her heart racing—not from the speed, but from the exhilarating closeness they shared.

When they finally stopped at a secluded overlook, Ayaan parked the bike, pulling off his helmet and shaking out his hair. He looked over at her, eyes twinkling. "Well? What did you think?"

Ananya smiled, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "I think I'm seeing a whole new side of you."

He leaned in, brushing a kiss against her temple. "There's more where that came from, Ananya."

As they stood there, looking out over the city lights, Ananya realized that Ayaan wasn't just the crown prince—he was her partner, someone who understood both her strength and her vulnerabilities. And with each passing day, she found herself falling more and more in love with this dashing, complex man who could surprise her in the most unexpected ways.


am i only one who remembers Mr. Caine here God I love that man,

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anyways do vote and comments,

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