part 1

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The two families had known each other for as long as anyone could remember. Every Diwali, Holi, and summer vacation was spent together in bustling homes filled with laughter, mischief, and warmth. Their children—Aarav and Meera—were the inseparable stars of these gatherings. While Aarav was sweet, quiet, and observant, Meera was the storm—a force of nature with boundless energy and a knack for dragging Aarav into her playful chaos.

They shared scraped knees, stolen sweets, and countless whispered secrets under the stars. The bond between them was natural, unforced—like they had always known that they belonged by each other's side. Their families teased them endlessly about their closeness, but it was all in good fun.

One evening, at a family get-together when they were around eight years old, Aarav did something that left everyone laughing and cooing at their innocent antics. As Meera dragged him along by the hand to show him her new dress, Aarav, standing shyly in the middle of the living room, declared:

"When I grow up, I'm going to marry Meera."

Laughter erupted from the adults. "How sweet!" they exclaimed. Meera's parents smiled knowingly, and the kids giggled, not understanding the weight of Aarav's words.

Meera, without hesitation, grinned widely and said, "Okay! But you have to buy me lots of chocolates." Aarav nodded earnestly. "Promise!"

It was a small, innocent moment—one everyone saw as childish fun. But for Aarav, it was a promise. And for Meera, it became a sweet, simple memory.


As the years passed, things began to change. Puberty hit, and the carefree nature of childhood evolved into the complexities of teenage years. Meera, once loud and full of mischief, became quieter, retreating into herself. Her energetic spark dimmed as she grappled with the insecurities and expectations of growing up. She wasn't the storm anymore—just a girl who sometimes felt lost in her own thoughts.

Meanwhile, Aarav had grown into a charming, confident young man. He was naturally talented and soon gained attention for his achievements—captain of the cricket team, popular in school, and known for his kindness. His fame among his peers grew, but he never let it get to his head. Though many girls vied for his attention, his heart remained with Meera.

Even though they no longer shared the same playful dynamic, their friendship endured quietly. They texted now and then, met at family events, and enjoyed comfortable silences when they were together. There was something unspoken between them—a connection neither of them knew how to define.

Aarav missed the old Meera—the one who used to boss him around and laugh without hesitation. But he loved this quieter version of her too, even though he sometimes wondered if he'd done something to cause the change.


It was the final semester of their undergraduate years. Aarav and Meera hadn't spoken much lately, each preoccupied with exams and college life. But there was an unspoken understanding that, no matter how busy they got, they were always there for each other.

One afternoon, Aarav overheard a conversation that planted a seed of doubt in his heart. At a party, one of Meera's friends casually mentioned that Meera was considering leaving India for higher education.

"She's applying to Oxford. Didn't you know?" the friend asked. Aarav felt his heart lurch. Meera hadn't told him anything about it.

The news hit him like a punch to the gut. Why hadn't she mentioned it? Did she not care about him enough to share such an important decision?

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