part 3

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hello people,

Their wedding was a private affair, simple yet elegant, held within the majestic palace grounds. The media had been kept at bay, and the ceremony took place with only close family and friends in attendance. Ananya, resplendent in a soft gold and red saree, looked every bit the regal bride, though the simplicity of the event was not lost on her. Despite being a royal wedding, she appreciated the lack of grandiosity. It felt intimate, personal—something she hadn't expected from a marriage that had started due to public pressure.

Ayaan, in his royal sherwani, looked every bit the dashing prince. He couldn't take his eyes off her as she walked toward him. There was an unspoken understanding between them as they exchanged vows. The chemistry that had simmered beneath the surface in their professional relationship was now out in the open, palpable to anyone who watched them together.

As the ceremony concluded, they both shared a quiet, knowing smile. It wasn't a grand fairy-tale wedding, but it was theirs, and they were ready to face whatever came next together.


Their first night was unexpectedly comfortable. Ananya had prepared herself for the awkwardness of being with a man she barely knew in a personal sense, but Ayaan surprised her. After the wedding, they retreated to his private quarters, where the atmosphere was relaxed.

He poured them both a glass of wine, offering her one with a slight smirk. "I suppose this is the part where we're supposed to pretend like this isn't strange," he said, his voice light, breaking the ice.

Ananya chuckled, taking the glass from him. "I think we've skipped past strange. Now we're just... married."

They sat together, talking about everything and nothing. The intensity of their professional interactions had given way to something softer. Ayaan made no assumptions, no demands, and Ananya found herself relaxing in his presence.

As the night wore on, the tension from the day's events dissipated. Ayaan leaned in slightly, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "You look beautiful tonight," he said, his voice deep and sincere.

Ananya felt her pulse quicken at his words but kept her composure. "You're not too bad yourself, Your Highness."

He smiled, leaning in closer, his lips brushing her forehead in a tender, unexpected gesture. "We'll take this one step at a time, Ananya. No rush."

She appreciated that, the gentleness in his approach. They slept side by side, his arm protectively draped over her waist—a quiet beginning to what would become a deeper connection.


The days leading up to their grand reception were busy. The media buzzed about the royal wedding, and now the world awaited the official reception, where the who's who of society would gather to see the newlyweds.

Ananya felt overwhelmed but kept her cool. She was used to pressure, though this was different. The world's eyes were on her now—not as a lawyer, but as a princess. Her insecurities occasionally flared up as she wondered whether she truly fit into this world of royalty.

Ayaan, as always, was a calming presence. He was involved in every detail, making sure that she was comfortable with the arrangements. It wasn't the grand affair he was used to, but he respected her wishes for keeping things elegant and understated.


The palace glistened under the evening lights, chandeliers casting a warm glow over the opulent hall where the reception was held. Ananya had chosen a deep emerald green lehenga for the evening—a striking choice that stood out in a sea of more traditional colors. As she entered the hall with Ayaan by her side, all eyes turned toward them.

Ayaan looked every bit the royal prince, his regal posture commanding respect, but it was his gaze—fixed solely on Ananya—that spoke volumes. He walked proudly beside her, his hand gently resting on the small of her back as he introduced her to the various dignitaries and guests.

Everything was going smoothly until Ananya overheard a group of women gossiping at one of the tables.

"She doesn't look like a princess, does she?" one woman whispered, her tone dripping with condescension.

"Hardly," another woman agreed, her eyes darting toward Ananya. "She's beautiful, sure, but not royal material. Ayaan should've married someone like Princess Kavya. Now she has the grace and breeding for a royal title."

Ananya's stomach churned at the comments. Her heart raced with anger, and though she tried to remain composed, the sting of the words was undeniable. She had faced many challenges in her life, but this—being judged on her ability to fit into a world she hadn't chosen—was a new kind of hurt.

Before she could react, she felt Ayaan's hand tighten around hers. He had overheard the conversation too. Without missing a beat, he guided her toward the group of women, his expression calm but his eyes burning with intensity.

"Ladies," Ayaan's voice was smooth yet authoritative, immediately silencing the whispers. He turned to Ananya, his gaze softening as he addressed them. "I hope you're all enjoying the evening and taking in the beauty of the event. My wife has done an extraordinary job."

The women exchanged nervous glances as Ayaan continued, his arm slipping around Ananya's waist in a gesture of solidarity. "And speaking of beauty, I couldn't have asked for a more stunning bride. Ananya isn't just a princess by title—she's a queen in every sense. Strong, intelligent, and far more regal than anyone who judges based on shallow expectations."

The women flushed with embarrassment, their whispers dying instantly under Ayaan's piercing gaze. He wasn't shouting, but the weight of his words carried a quiet power that left no room for argument.

Ananya's heart swelled at his public declaration. He wasn't just defending her—he was honoring her, showing her and everyone in the room exactly where she stood in his life. Any doubts she had about her place in his world vanished in that moment.

"Shall we dance?" Ayaan asked, turning to her with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Ananya smiled, her anger melting away as he led her onto the dance floor. He held her close, his hand resting gently on her back as they moved together. She felt his warmth, his protection, and most of all, his unwavering support.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the music.

Ayaan tilted his head slightly, his lips brushing her ear as he whispered back, "You're my wife, Ananya. No one gets to say otherwise."

In that moment, surrounded by the glittering grandeur of the royal reception, Ananya realized she had more than just a title—she had a partner. And no amount of royal gossip could ever take that away.


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