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After their heart-to-heart conversation, things between Aarav and Meera shifted—slowly but profoundly. The weight of unresolved emotions, misunderstandings, and distance between them had lifted, making way for a new kind of connection—one that wasn't exactly like the childhood friendship they once had but carried echoes of it.

At first, they were awkward, like two people trying to remember how to ride a bike after years of not touching the pedals. Their conversations started off as polite exchanges—too formal for people who used to share dreams under the stars as children. Yet, with each passing day, something familiar began to bloom between them, a comforting warmth neither had felt in years.


It began with small things—Aarav teasing her over breakfast, making jokes at her expense like he used to when they were eight.

"Still eat your parathas with ketchup. You never change," he'd laugh, earning a playful shove from Meera.

And Meera, despite herself, found it impossible not to smile around him. Aarav's gentle teasing brought back a part of her she thought she'd lost—a girl who could laugh without worrying, who could banter and feel lighthearted.

"Don't judge me, Mr. Fancy! Still wear those cartoon socks?" she shot back, smirking.

Their banter felt natural, and soon enough, Aarav was back to being the playful, easygoing boy Meera had known—only now, he was a man with broader shoulders and a deeper voice but the same warmth in his eyes that was reserved only for her.

Aarav would sneak into her work calls just to mess with her, earning her scowls that quickly turned into suppressed giggles. In return, she'd steal his phone and replace his carefully curated playlists with silly songs, leaving him to discover them at the most inconvenient moments.


As they spent more time together, the line between friendship and something deeper began to blur. Aarav found himself longing for Meera's company at the end of every day. He started making excuses to pick her up from work or drop by unannounced at her family's place, just to see her reaction—because seeing her roll her eyes at his antics somehow made his day brighter.

And Meera noticed the shift too—how Aarav always saved her the last bite of dessert, how his eyes sought hers even in a crowded room, and how his hugs lingered just a second too long.

But Aarav didn't always hide his feelings perfectly. He hated the idea of Meera being close to anyone else. One evening, when he came to pick her up from a meeting, Aarav's jaw clenched as he noticed her chatting animatedly with a male client.

"So... that guy looked pretty happy," Aarav commented casually in the car, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

Meera gave him a sidelong glance, smirking. "Jealous much?"

Aarav scoffed, though his ears turned red. "Me? Jealous? Nah, just... observing. That's all."

Meera laughed, and Aarav couldn't help but join in, his heart swelling at the sound. Moments like these—playful, effortless, and real—were what he had missed all those years.


As they grew closer, Aarav and Meera's families began to take notice. Their mothers often exchanged knowing glances during family dinners, and Aarav's younger cousins would nudge him playfully whenever Meera's name came up.

"They've been rooting for us to get married since we were kids, haven't they?" Meera asked one day, lying on the couch with her feet in Aarav's lap.

Aarav chuckled, squeezing her ankle gently. "Oh, you have no idea. My aunt even has a bet running about when we'll have kids."

Meera rolled her eyes. "Typical."

But secretly, those conversations made Aarav's heart race. The idea of building a life with Meera, of having a home filled with laughter and tiny feet, was becoming more real with each passing day.


Their relationship deepened, but it wasn't all grand gestures. It was in the quiet, ordinary moments that Aarav realized how much he adored Meera.

Like the time they stayed up late watching movies, and Meera fell asleep on his shoulder, her soft breaths tickling his neck. Aarav didn't dare move—he simply sat there, savoring the moment, wondering how he ever survived those years without her by his side.

Or the way Meera absentmindedly ran her fingers through his hair while they talked, making Aarav feel like he was finally home.

"Don't stop," he murmured one evening, closing his eyes as her fingers worked through the knots in his hair.

Meera chuckled. "You're like a puppy, Aarav."

"Only for you," he whispered, and Meera's heart did a little flip at the tenderness in his voice.


One night, after a particularly stressful day, Meera found Aarav sitting on the balcony, staring at the stars. She joined him, wrapping a blanket around them both.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she asked softly.

Aarav glanced at her, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Just thinking about how lucky I am."

Meera arched an eyebrow. "Lucky? How so?"

He leaned closer, brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. "Because no matter what happens, I get to come home to you."

The words were simple, but they carried a weight that made Meera's heart swell. She leaned in, resting her forehead against his, feeling the warmth of his breath against her skin.

And in that moment, Meera knew—this wasn't just friendship. This was love, the kind that grew quietly over time, blossoming like a garden tended with care.

Aarav pressed a kiss to her temple, his lips lingering there as if to seal the unspoken promise between them. "We're in this together, Meera. Always."

Meera smiled, her heart full. "Always."


With every passing day, their bond grew stronger. They teased, they laughed, they fought and made up—just like old times, but with the added depth of years spent apart and the joy of rediscovering each other. Aarav was still the boy who promised to marry her at eight years old, but now he was also the man who would stand by her side through every storm.

And Meera? She wasn't just the storm she had been as a child—she was now the calm after the storm, Aarav's home, his heart, his everything.

They were two halves of the same whole, finally reunited after years of longing, misunderstandings, and missed chances. And this time, they were determined to make it last forever.


votessssssss guys

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