Part 5

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As the weeks went by, Ananya and Ayaan's relationship deepened in ways neither of them had expected. It wasn't just the grand gestures or the royal duties that brought them closer—it was the quiet, sweet moments they shared in the in-between times. Moments where they were just two people, not the prince and princess, but Ayaan and Ananya.

In the mornings, Ayaan would often wake before her, lingering in bed just to watch her sleep for a while. There was something peaceful about those moments when the world was still, and he could admire her soft beauty. And every day, Ananya would stir awake, greeted by his warm smile, followed by a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Good morning, Mrs. Rathore," he'd whisper, teasingly.

Ananya would smile groggily, but always with the same response, "Good morning, Your Highness," rolling her eyes at his playful tone. But she loved the way he said it—like it was their little secret, something intimate between just the two of them.

On weekends, they would escape the palace whenever they could. Sometimes they'd take his bike for a spin, finding secluded spots where they could just be themselves. One evening, they drove to a little beach far from the city, and as the sun set, they sat on the sand, their fingers intertwined, watching the waves crash against the shore.

"Do you ever feel like this life is too much?" Ananya asked softly, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Ayaan nodded. "Sometimes. But then I remember that I'm not in it alone. I have you."

Her heart swelled at his words. In those moments, it was easy to forget about the titles, the expectations, and the pressures that came with their lives. It was just them, and that was enough.


One afternoon, Ayaan decided to surprise Ananya by picking her up from work. He knew she'd been swamped with meetings, and since they hadn't had much time together that week, he figured a surprise dinner would be the perfect way to reconnect. He arrived at her law firm, casually leaning against his car, dressed in a simple black t-shirt and jeans—something far from his usual royal attire.

As he waited, Ayaan noticed Ananya walking out of the building, deep in conversation with a man who seemed a little too friendly. Her client, no doubt, but Ayaan's brows furrowed when he saw how the man leaned in, laughing at something Ananya said.

Jealousy sparked, irrational as it was. He knew Ananya was just doing her job, but seeing another man so close to her, laughing with her, it twisted something inside him.

He straightened up as they approached, trying to keep his expression neutral. Ananya spotted him and smiled brightly, her eyes lighting up at the sight of him. But the man at her side gave Ayaan a quick glance, clearly sizing him up, before extending his hand.

"Ah, you must be Ayaan. Ananya's mentioned you," the man said, a little too confidently for Ayaan's liking.

Ayaan shook his hand, but his grip was firm, almost a little too tight. "Yes. I'm her husband."

The man quickly excused himself after a few more polite words, and Ayaan watched him leave, feeling the tension in his chest. Ananya, noticing his stiffness, raised an eyebrow.

"Are you... jealous?" she teased, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Ayaan huffed, crossing his arms. "Of course not."

Ananya laughed softly, stepping closer to him, resting her hand on his chest. "You know he's just a client, right?"

Ayaan's expression softened as he looked down at her. "I know. It's just—he was too close to you."

She smiled, her fingers tracing small circles on his chest. "You know, there's only one man I care about being close to."

Ayaan's heart melted at her words, the jealousy quickly dissipating. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, his chin resting on the top of her head. "And who would that be?" he murmured playfully.

She tilted her head up, her eyes sparkling. "You, silly."

In that moment, all the tension evaporated. They stood there in the middle of the bustling street, locked in their own world. Ananya reached up, brushing a soft kiss against his lips, her touch tender and reassuring. "You're the only one I want, Ayaan. Always."

Ayaan kissed her back, his hands gently cupping her face as he deepened the kiss. "I know," he whispered. "I just don't want to lose you to anyone."

She smiled against his lips. "You won't."


That evening, Ayaan had planned something special to make up for his earlier bout of jealousy. After their dinner, he led her to the garage, where his bike was parked.

"Another ride?" Ananya asked, grinning.

"Not just any ride," Ayaan smirked, handing her a helmet. "This time, I'm taking you to one of my favorite spots."

Intrigued, Ananya put on the helmet and hopped onto the bike behind him. They sped off into the night, weaving through the city streets, until they reached a quiet spot on the outskirts of town. It was a small, hidden garden, lush and secluded, with a perfect view of the city skyline in the distance.

Ayaan parked the bike and took her hand, leading her through the garden until they reached a bench tucked away under a canopy of trees, the night sky twinkling above them.

"Wow," Ananya breathed, looking around. "It's beautiful."

"I used to come here when I needed to clear my head," Ayaan said, sitting beside her. "Now, I wanted to share it with you."

She leaned into him, her heart full. "I love that you share these things with me."

Ayaan turned to her, his hand brushing a strand of hair from her face. "I'll always share everything with you, Ananya."

They sat there for a while, in comfortable silence, wrapped in each other's warmth. Ananya felt a sense of peace settle over her, knowing that despite the challenges, despite their busy lives and royal obligations, she had Ayaan by her side. And that was more than enough.


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