Part 5

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After the whirlwind of their wedding, the house was finally quiet. Naina, still in her green lehenga, sat on the edge of the bed in their dimly lit room, her heart racing. She wasn't nervous about Arjun, but the weight of the day—the vows, the rituals, the expectations—made her feel like she was balancing on the edge of something new and unknown.

Arjun entered the room, loosening his sherwani and smiling softly when he saw her. He noticed the slight tension in her posture, her hands clasped together in her lap. He wasn't sure how to approach this moment. It wasn't the cliché of some perfect first night he had in mind; it was more about understanding, about setting the tone for their life together.

"You look tired," Arjun said gently, taking a seat next to her. "It's been a long day."

Naina exhaled softly, her lips curling into a small smile. "It has. I didn't think I'd ever get out of that lehenga."

Arjun chuckled, then stood up, offering his hand. "Come on. Let's get you comfortable. I'll help you with the jewelry."

Surprised by his thoughtfulness, Naina took his hand, and he carefully helped remove her heavy earrings and necklace. The delicate care in his actions put her at ease, and she felt some of the tension melt away.

Once she was in a lighter outfit, they sat together on the bed, a comfortable silence falling between them. There was no rush, no pressure. Just a shared space and a growing understanding.

Arjun leaned back against the headboard, watching her. "You know, I didn't expect this to feel so... natural."

Naina looked at him, curious. "Natural?"

"Yeah," he said, his gaze softening. "It's strange. I thought this whole arranged marriage thing would feel more awkward. But being here with you... it doesn't. It feels right."

His words made Naina's heart flutter. She hadn't expected such honesty from him, and it made her feel warm inside. She smiled, a real one this time.

"I'm glad," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

As they settled into bed, Arjun turned off the lights, but before sleep took over, he reached for her hand under the covers. It was a small, quiet gesture, but it made Naina's heart swell. In that darkness, with their hands gently entwined, she felt a sense of peace.


The first morning after their marriage came with the soft light of dawn streaming through the windows. Naina woke up, slightly disoriented, until the memory of the previous day rushed back. She was married. This was her new life.

She glanced to her side and saw Arjun still asleep, his face relaxed, breathing even. There was something comforting about seeing him like that—so peaceful, so unguarded.

Quietly, she slipped out of bed, careful not to wake him. She dressed in a simple cotton saree, tying her hair back loosely, and made her way to the kitchen to prepare tea. The house was still, with only the occasional sound of birds chirping outside. It felt surreal—being in a new home, with a man she barely knew, yet somehow feeling a sense of calm, she hadn't expected.

As she poured the tea into two cups, she heard footsteps behind her. Turning around, she saw Arjun, still in his pajamas, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"You're up early," he said, smiling as he leaned against the doorway.

"I thought I'd make us some tea," Naina replied, holding up the cups.

Arjun walked over, taking one from her. "I could get used to this," he teased, taking a sip. "But next time, let me be the one to make tea. I'm a master of brewing."

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