bonus chapter

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The house was glowing with festive lights, the sound of laughter echoing through the rooms as family members bustled around. Diyas flickered along the pathways, and the scent of sweets mixed with the light crispness of the night air. Meera had always loved Diwali, but this one felt different—special—because Aarav was here.

He stood beside her, looking every bit the dashing prince in a black silk kurta with golden embroidery. Yet despite his regal appearance, Aarav had a mischievous glint in his eyes—a clear sign that he was up to something.


Throughout the evening, Aarav did everything to steal her attention. Whether it was sneaking glances while she helped light diyas or casually brushing his hand against hers whenever they crossed paths, Aarav's intentions were clear.

At one point, as Meera handed out sweets to the younger cousins, Aarav leaned in close, his breath warm against her ear.

"Have you lit a diya in my heart too? Because it's burning a little too brightly tonight." His voice was low, teasing, and laced with playfulness.

Meera rolled her eyes but couldn't help the blush creeping up her cheeks. "Seriously, Aarav? You're hopeless."

He smirked, clearly pleased with her reaction. "Only for you, storm."

Meera tried to stay focused on the festivities, but Aarav was relentless. When they gathered for the family pooja, he nudged her shoulder every chance he got, pretending to ask innocent questions while hiding a sly grin.

Later, during the firecracker display, he slipped behind her and whispered, "How about a little spark between us, too?"

"Behave, Aarav!" she scolded, though her heart fluttered at his words.

"I'm trying to," he murmured, "but you make it very hard."


Every time she gave someone else her attention—whether it was a family member or one of the kids—Aarav grew sulky. He crossed his arms, leaning dramatically against the wall like a neglected puppy. Meera couldn't help but find his clinginess adorable.

At dinner, she caught him pouting when she sat far away from him at the table. He sent her exaggerated sad looks, mouthing, "Why not here?" and patting the seat next to him like an eager child.

When she didn't budge, he texted her under the table: I'll die of heartbreak if you don't come sit with me.

Biting back a laugh, Meera gave him an amused glance. She was enjoying this far too much—seeing the always-composed Aarav acting so desperate for her attention.

As the evening wound down and the elders went to bed, Aarav seized his chance. "Come on, Meera. I've been waiting all night," he whispered, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close.

"And you're still going to wait," Meera teased, slipping out of his grasp just as he leaned in for a kiss.


Later that night, when everyone else had gone to bed, Meera quietly walked into their room with something hidden behind her back. Aarav, lying on the bed in a t-shirt and pajama pants, glanced up eagerly.

"You're finally here," he groaned dramatically, sitting up. "Do you know how hard it was not to drag you away in front of everyone?"

Meera smiled, her heart swelling at how much he adored her. "I have a surprise for you."

Aarav raised an eyebrow. "Really? I thought I was getting a punishment for all the sneaky things I did tonight."

"Close your eyes," she said softly.

He obeyed instantly, a playful grin tugging at his lips. Meera placed something small and soft in his hands.

"Okay, open."

Aarav opened his eyes—and froze. In his hands was an old, worn-out stuffed elephant. His favorite toy from childhood.

"Meera..." he whispered, stunned. "Where did you even find this?"

She smiled gently. "I found it in one of the old storage boxes. I knew how much you loved it back then, so I thought you'd like to have it again."

Aarav stared at the elephant for a moment, and then, to Meera's surprise, his eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"You remembered..." he murmured, pulling her into a tight embrace.

Meera's arms wrapped around him, her heart melting at how vulnerable he looked. She kissed the top of his head, running her fingers through his hair soothingly.

"You've been my favorite person since we were kids," she whispered. "How could I ever forget?"

Aarav buried his face in her neck, his voice muffled but filled with affection. "I love you so much, Meera. You're everything to me."


For the rest of the night, Aarav refused to let her go. He lay curled up beside her, clutching the stuffed elephant like a child, with his head resting on her lap.

"Promise me you'll always stay," he whispered, his voice drowsy but filled with emotion.

Meera leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. "Always, Aarav. Always."

He smiled lazily, nuzzling her lap. "You know, I don't mind being spoiled by you."

Meera chuckled, stroking his hair. "You're such a baby."

"Only for you," he mumbled, his eyes fluttering shut as he drifted off to sleep, content and happy in her arms.

Meera stayed awake a little longer, watching him sleep peacefully. Her heart was full—overflowing with love, tenderness, and the promise of all the moments yet to come.

And as she lay down beside him, Aarav instinctively wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close even in his sleep. This was home—right here, in each other's arms, with a future as bright as the diyas outside.




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