Chapter 7: The Violent Swing

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Something swung down on an object in the distance. The sound echoed within the forest in front of me. I wanted to go and wander along the trail today, after Hazel forced the location out of me, and just relax on my favorite bench in my favorite spot.

Possibly talk to Toby again?

It was shameful, wanting to seek out the attention of someone who you don't even know. But he makes me feel good, it's scary having someone new do that, but something about him makes it intriguing too.

Although, the sound of a rhythmic BANG made me a bit cautious. Since I was further from the middle of the woods, it was faint. It didn't make me any less scared though. But it could just be people gathering firewood early this year, a lot of the good stuff gets chopped down before it's time to start worrying about the cold. I guess they're collecting the last of it?

I tried to reassure myself as my feet hurried down the leaf covered trail. Each step I took made a crunching sound as all of my weight was balanced onto one foot before it did the same with the other. Hearing the sound come from underneath my feet was always so damn satisfying, it soothed a certain part of my being.

"Oh c'mon Y/n! Jump with all of your might!"

The echoes of an old memory resurfaced in my mind. It made my heart skip a beat as my breath hitched at how unexpected it was. I guess the fall time will always bring back those memories. A time where everything wasn't so fucking gloomy and horrible. Those old memories were always thick and painful to go through, which is why they get shoved down...hopefully to the depths of my mind where they'd never be brought back again. But they always do.

It was the worst whenever a memory of my brother flooded through my mind. He was always so happy in my kid mind, it was a shame that I never noticed the slight bags underneath his eyes because he was always focused on keeping me happy.

What made him cut contact?

My mind wandered to things that I'll never get an answer for. And I know that I will be left in the dark for the rest of my life. This shit sucks...really badly.

But, it's time for me to continue moving forwards, no matter how painful it may feel. A sigh exited my mouth as soon as my feet started to move forward, to the very middle of this forest I have come to recognize with time. Uneasiness settled into my spine, it was very uncomfortable. The reason I've started to feel this way is due to the rhythm of the axe swinging becoming more and more intense.

Should I even be here right now? Should I turn back around?

It stopped, and now the tree lined path was silent...even more eerie than before. It was weird to be afraid of this place, I never was before and I hated the possibility of this place turning into a nightmare fuel setting.

God, I'm so creeped out right now.

Though, it never stopped me from going further.

Once I got to my bench, I sat down with a sigh of relief. Today was a long ass day and I'd rather not go back home. My mom is forcing me to though, she continues to spam my phone with messages and calls. She knows where I am, but I guess that's not enough. She fucking threatened to call the damn cops on Hazel's parents if I didnt come home today. There was no way I'd let them get into trouble because of my dumbass self running away.

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