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Ellie's pov

Willow spent her whole day trying to avoid me, pulling Dina every second she could which caused Jesse to end up being next to me most the time. He was starting to become aware of the fact that we possibly fought and kept making comments about making up.

"Seriously, go buy her some ice cream or something. For the love of god I want my girlfriend back." Jesse begged me as he pulled on my shirt sleeve. He watched Dina a few steps ahead of us like a sick puppy. "Here I'll even pay for it. I wanna go on the Ferris wheel with Dina. Alone."

"Wait-" he walked away before I could even protest. The twenty dollar bill he shoved in my hand was scrunched up and I grunted. I dragged my feet towards an ice cream stand and buy her favorite flavor. I feel like a child approaching her with the cone. Her eyes landed on me before immediately grabbing on to Dina's arm.

"Hey you wanna check-" Jesse cuts her off by tossing his arm around Dina's shoulder. "Actually I think we're gonna check out the Ferris wheel."

"Oh, I can come..."

"Alone." Jesse raised his brow at her and she sighed. "Yeah, okay, yeah." She watched them walk away  while I stood a few steps away, the ice cream had began to melt and drip onto my fingers.

"Hey." My voice cracked as I sat down next to her on a wooden bench. She didn't reply and I awkwardly held the ice cream cone in-front of her. "Jesse asked me to get it."

"Yeah we both know it wouldn't come out of the kindness of your heart. Too romantic, wouldn't want to get so serious would we?" Her arms crossed and I frowned. "Listen if you don't want it just toss it alright."

"You toss it. I don't want it to drip on my fingers."

Willow's pov

I watch as she stands up grunting and muttering some swear words. She tosses the ice cream that I honestly did want but refused to take. She even got my favorite flavor. My pettiness was greater than desire though so I just crossed my arms and looked away. I watched as crowds of people passed by. Couples holding hands. I look at her hands from the corner of my eyes. There was a dangerously deep burning desire for her affection within me. One that I knew wouldn't be fulfilled.

"You uh wanna check out some of the games?"

I thought about it for a second, thinking back on the plushies I'd seen as I walked by the stands. I remember a huge neon green squid hat. My mind was made, I passed on the ice cream, might as well attempt to get the squid.

Thirty minutes later

"Come on!" I toss my hands in the air irritated that for the fifth time only one of the metal jars stand. "Come on maybe you should try a different game."

"No I want that hat." I stomp my foot on the ground like a spoiled child and pull out another five dollar bill. Thank god for all those tips from the car otherwise I wouldn't have so many loose bills. "Willow you've already spent a fortune here come on. This is clearly scam."

"But- one more time?" Ellie sighs before snatching the ball of my hands. Without hesitation she throws the ball with full force. A whole lot more than what I had been using. The first ball knocking down one of the bottom jars causing the top on to fall down with it. The second ball misses and she curses under her breath.

"Come on please." I watch nervously as she takes a the last ball and tosses it full force. The ball comes in contact with the can goes flying towards the floor.

"Yes!" I jump excited grabbing hold of her arm. "You're amazing."

Ellie's pov

Bad Idea! *Ellie Williams*Where stories live. Discover now