Unexpected Appearance

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Natsu's POV:

Magic was flying everywhere, fire there, ice shots, huge gusts of wind. A lot of magic. The battle was seemingly tougher than expected, Lucy was currently in Cancers star dress form taking out several opponents. Most of the mages were now outside the house or down for the count.

A large amount of energy could be felt, as the last mage left the cover. It was an older woman with white hair, this had to be the guild leader.

"Earthquake" she whispered throwing up the ground around us, the other mages retreated to the side lines allowing her to take over. He turns around to a scream.

"Wendy!" He hears Gray shout, as rocks threw Wendy across the floor. Flying across such a far distance she was unmoving after the hit. Natsu notices a speed of light fly past him as Charles launches to be by Wendy's side.

Fist aflame he stands across from the guild master. "What do you want with Fairy Tail? You're a different guild why do you care so much for revenge." He shouted.

Her eyes shone blue as they locked onto him, sharp rocks forming around her as she prepared her next attack.

"We have a plan, and we can't have a guild of your level interfering. We know how you took out the last Balam Alliance."

"Even if we have to do it one by one" she added, lifting the sharp rocks and propelling her hand forward. The rocks began to shoot at them.

'This woman is crazy strong' he thought while narrowly avoiding a large spike. He didn't have a second to see how the others were fairing. The rocks were however relentless like the attack Erza has, Blumenblatt.

He began to notice a fast figure heading the opposing direction to the rocks. That's when he spotted Lucy make the first blow to the master. In her Cancer form she had used her speed to cut the side of the woman.

"Ahhh" he heard the woman cuss, the attacks dying down and stopping. He watched as she formed earth round her fist to deal a large blow to Lucy. Propelling fire from his feet into the floor he prepared to launch himself, but both he and the Lady stopped.

A large amount of dark energy could be felt, more than enough to overwhelm the power both they and the woman were giving off. And then all of a sudden he watched Lucy vanish, it was like she had teleported. But when did she learn to do that and why would she do it now? Did someone else do it?

Erza took the distraction to engage in a 1v1 with the guild master, while Gray and Natsu took out the remaining guild members.

He tried to keep his mind on the battle, but surely Lucy, his Luce hadn't used that ominous dark magic. Maybe she's in trouble.

"Ahhhh" Natsu screamed out, too distracted to see the boulder thrown from Ezra's battle. It took all the wind out of his lungs as he struggled to stand. Gray annoyingly stood in front of him as he needed protecting. Growling low he threw himself back into the battle, he also needed to protect Wendy and make sure nobody else got hurt.

Lucy's POV:

The sounds of battle were gone.

"How far away am I, how did I even get here?" She said spinning around in what seemed to be a forest. A familiar dark presence was felt, too dark. It was... no, she knew who it was.

Lucy froze on the spot, she knew Zeref was here, he must know, why else would he target her.

"Lucy Heartfilia" her name was somehow spoken softly.

She carefully turned to lock eyes with the dark wizard.

"Zeref" she cautiously replied. "You know me..." she added.

"I know everyone I need to be careful of" he spoke with a lot of thought behind his words. There was some sort of plan, she knew it.

"You're too quick to catch on so I will not add more." Zeref continued. "But you have something I need and I will not take no as an answer."

"You'll have to." She replied strongly. "If you need it soon then you cannot kill me for it, it's locked undetectable."

"I can sense it's power on you Lucy, continue meddling and I won't need to kill you, the book will." Zeref warned. "You cannot change who he is, I do not know how you know, but you will soon wish you didn't"

"Natsu is Natsu, he is my Natsu and always will be" Lucy began to raise her voice. "I will get stronger and stronger to stop what you want to happen"

"I will be getting it soon, prepare yourself Lucy, and your guild, and Magnolia, in fact the whole of Fiore!" Zeref gritted. "Try not to die and make it harder to find, see you soon."

And with that the same dark feeling overtook her, and she was once again in the middle of the battle. Natsu's fire almost engulfed her before he noticed her reappearance.

"Star dress Leo!" Lucy shouted joining Erza in taking out the guild leader. Ezra had already done most of the work and both were tiring, this was Lucy's chance to give Erza a break and keep pressure on the foe.

A large rock flew directly towards her head but equipping regulus, Lucy punched right through the rock and used the momentum to deal a blow to the master. The move knocked her prone several feet away, she was about to pick herself up but realised she now lay before the four wizards Lucy, Erza, Gray and Natsu. All her dark guild had been dispatched.

"I need to put out a warning to the others, they're too powerful." She muttered, grasping a lacrima in her pocket. She pressed on it a few times before Natsu shattered it in his fist and gave her a final blow knocking her out cold.

So much had happened to Lucy in that fight alone, were the other guild and this guild connected, why was she a target, nevermind everything Zeref had said to her. She was so about to get a whole 'what happened, where were you?' And what could she even reply, she needed to speak first.

"I was their target." Lucy began as she walked up to Wendy picking her up gently and giving Charles a break. Ezra scoped the house out for clues whilst Gray, Happy and Natsu sat with her outside. "And the mention of the Balam alliance makes me believe the last guild I fought had connections to this one, it is likely another dark guild alliance situation."

Gray nodded as he pondered everything that had gone on. "They definitely recognised you," he started "how else would they know about you and being in Fairy Tail"

"She's a famous swimsuit model teehee" Happy joked.

"Come here you darn cat!" Lucy shouted chasing him about as he mocked her in the air.

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