Favourite Activities To Do Together : Hate The FiA

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I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be anywhere but here as I texted him to let me in. I wanted to be obnoxious so I had shown up with a gift.

I gave it to him with a smile as I walked into his room. It was small but had a view of Bahrain that was pleasant enough. There weren't many personal items in his room as I looked around. A laptop was all that I could see that didn't belong to the hotel or was team stuff.

"The fuck do you want me to do with this?" Leclerc said, holding the gift.

"When I tell you to go fuck yourself you can." I smiled, looking at the ferrari red dildo and then at his equally red face.

He rolled his eyes, keeping the dildo away from himself as I cackled. "You truly are Satan himself." He sighed.

I sat on his bed as he took out his laptop, reading out the questions.

"Why the fuck would they ask me your favourite colour?"

"Hell would I know." He said.

"Well, what is it?" I asked, taking notes on my laptop.


"Huh, I thought it'd be red. Congratulations, you have more depth than I thought you did. Mine's green."

"Ice cream."
"I repeat myself, food?"
"I repeat myself, ice cream."
"Ice cream's a desert, though I'm sure, as a ferrari driver, you could make a meal out of it."

"And what's yours, then?"
"Don't have one."
"Because I don't like anything in my diet plan and, unlike depressed fools, I don't stray from it."

"I'm going to go ahead and write tacos."

"Activities we like to do together?"

"Hate the FiA."
"Aside from our stewing over our mutual hate for the FiA."

"Reminiscing about our karting days."

"Not an activity or true."
"Is any of this supposed to be true or is it supposed to be effective?"
"Not effective enough."
"Fine, though it has to be something private since we aren't spotted around a lot."

"Video games?"
"I wanna throw up at the thought, it's perfect."

Two hours later, it was finally over and I was barely out of his room before he shut his door. "Rude." I muttered, though I would have done much the same

The next day we entered a room, camera smiles ready and hate for each other at the maximum, smiling and answering the questions politely, despite it all being the same questions, 'Are you really friends?' If I could answer truly I would laugh in their face and break his annoyingly perfect nose, but instead I talked about our 'deep and meaningful' relationship.

The interview came to a smooth end as the last of the questions emailed to us got over and we immediately went to the door, grabbing the handle at the same time. I looked at him for what seemed like an eternity before deciding we couldn't fight in front of all these cameras and mics and leaving the door handle. He smiled, opening the door and holding it for me.

The moment we were out of the range of the cameras I pushed him. "Hey!"

"That's for annoying me."
"In that case," He pushed me, "That's for being arrogant."
I pushed him, "That's for being supercilious and bossy."
He pushed me, "I am not supercilious!"
"Oh yeah?"
"Then why do you always think you're better than everyone?"
"I don't!"
"Then why do you act like it?"
"I don't!"
"Yeah you do, you're a proper kissass around Vasseur but whenever anyone else is there, you have more pride than an entire parade of queer people."

He glared at me, not saying anything for a second before, "Maybe I'm supercilious around you because you act like a child."
"Better a child than a troll."
"Sorry, the water under your bridge is making it difficult to hear you." He rolled his eyes and we parted ways at the parking lot, smiling the fakest smiles at each other as we heard the click of a camera somewhere.

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