The Former Or The Latter?

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Horner, Vasseur and Jos Verstappen were in the room when we got there. Max's father mouthed offensive words at him as we entered but he kept his head up and I kept my hand in his.

Max had told me about Jos but I didn't think it was still there. Not until I felt his pulse, fast and erratic. I squeezed his hand and he offered me a smile.

"Care to explain?" Horner asked.
Before Max or I could talk, Jos shouted, "Yes," He pointed at me, walking over. I took a step back and Max got in front of me ever so slightly, "That horrid excuse of a driver is trying to ruin my son's career! He's seduced him and-"

"That's enough." Max said, sharp and strong, "This is a private meeting and I am not a minor so I do not see the need for you to be here."
When Jos turned to Horner he shrugged, "You were here because your request was granted but if Max wants you out of the room, I cannot stop him."

Jos lunged at me, fists out and I tensed, closing my eyes and waiting for the pain. It never came. Instead, Max had pushed his father away from me, "Call security." He said.

Less than a second later, they entered, marching Jos out as he yelled slurs at us.

When he was gone, Horner finally relaxed, "Care to explain what's going on?"
"We love each other." Max said.
"And why did you not tell me?"
"You never asked."
"And why did you get caught?"
"I don't know." Max confessed.
"Well," Horner said, "Lucky for you, I do." He looked at me, "Charles do you remember the three crazy fans who attacked you? Well, they also stalked you and when the two of you kissed in the garage of a Parisian Hotel, recorded you. The recording was handed to a bunch of journalists and then it spread from there."
"Now," Vasseur said, "There are two things we can do : say that was false, even if it's not, or accept the truth." He looked at his phone, "If  you accept the truth, we will lose numerous sponsors and your future in racing will be at stake." He looked at me just then, and it hit me. I was racing to immortalise the memory of the people I had lost. My father, Jules, Anthoine. If we did the former, I'd have a chance to make them proud.

If I did the latter that was on slippery grounds but I'd have Max. And we'd be together. And we'd be able to scream it from the rooftops that we were in love.

But what about everyone else? Did I love Max enough? Would it be okay?

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