Cats, ice cream, and Taylor Swift

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I looked at Charles. My cats loved him more than they loved me. Even Jimmy, who was usually a feral shithead, purred in his lap. The monegasque smiled down at them and I wanted this to last forever. For the first time, when it got serious, I didn't feel like running. I felt complete in a way I couldn't feel without him.

P ran into the house and I picked her up, twirling her around. The moment I let her down, she went to Charles. Jimmy and Sassy got off his lap and he smiled at her. She gave him a kiss on the cheek then whispered something in his ear. He smiled, nodding conspiratorially at her.

"Maximilian, P and I are leaving you home with the cats so we can get ice cream." He announced, and P giggled.
"But I want to come!" I complained.
"Too bad." He stuck his tongue out at me as I overdramatically pouted.

They actually did go without me, to my surprise, and fifteen minutes later Charles sent me a photo of him and P making a funny face, both with a scoop of ice cream in their hands. I finally changed my lock screen from Charles throwing up to this picture. Two of my favourite people in the world.

P's giggling announced their return and Charles handed me a paper takeaway bag with ice cream in it. I kissed him on the cheek and put it in the freezer. "Maxie?" P asked.

I turned so I was facing her, crouching down to her eye level, "Yes, P?"
"Did you tell Charles you like him?"
"Yes, I did, and he likes me too."
"Good." She gave me a small hug before running to Charles and telling him something. He looked at me and smiled for a second before turning to her and whispering something.

She made a 'yes' sound and gesture. "What did he say?" I asked her.
"He told me that it is a secret."
"You can't keep secrets from Maxie!" I complained.
"Charles said it was okay."
I crossed my arms, huffing, and she gave me a kiss on my cheek before running after Jimmy.

The cat was caught and smothered with affection by P, though I think he secretly enjoyed it since he didn't even try to yowl in protest.

P wanted music so Charles opened my phone, playing music like it was his own phone, knowing exactly where every app was. Taylor Swift played from the speaker and P dragged Charles and me to dance with her, singing the lyrics and jumping around. We followed her lead.

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