Truth Or Lies?

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Charles looked severely distressed but I knew my answer. I loved racing. But I also loved Charles. And when it came down to the two, I'd always know which one I valued more.

"The truth." I said, looking at Charles, "Everything will be okay." He didn't look too convinced, "As long as we're together."

I'd been taught to love racing and it was a conditional love. But with Charles . . . I loved him no matter what. I wanted to be the one who brought him soup when he was sick, nursing him back to health. I wanted to be the one to wake up next to him. I wanted to be the one who was allowed to love him. It was an unconditional eternal love that I'd never felt for anyone else. I just hoped he felt the same.

Charles looked at me for a long moment, the sadness in his eyes was clear, "The truth." He said, "As long as we're together."

Horner and Vasseur smiled, "The sponsors didn't matter that much anyways." Vasseur said.
"But," Horner said, "These NDAs do." Charles was confused for a second so he explained, "We've never had two drivers date each other but if they did, they'd need to sign NDAs to not disclose the details of the design of the car and such. Your lawyers have looked over and approved it."

We still read it, it was just about the car designs and inner workings of the team. Nothing that would affect our relationship.

My pen hovered over where I was supposed to sign it, and then I looked at Charles and I signed. He meant more to me than my future in racing ever did.

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