All's Fair In Worlds And Ponies

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Being hungover on a plane during takeoff is not fun. I wanted to cry as we took off. My head felt like it might explode. I groaned into Max's shoulder, holding back tears, "Someone's feeling their hangover." He said.

"I hate the world."
"Why do you hate me?"
"I thought I was your world?"
"Who said that?"
"Your drunk self."
"Don't make stuff up."
"Honest, you said 'Max, you are my world and I want to buy you a pony'."
"Shut up."
"Make me."
I took the challenge, taking the glass of water he was sipping and holding his jaw open with my left hand so he had no other choice but to get the water in his mouth. Then I said, "Max, you are my world, and I would like to buy you a pony."

Max didn't have enough time to swallow the water and it came up his nose. He coughed and choked as I cackled with victory, patting his back when the coughing got uncomfortably loud.

"Not fair.""All's fair in worlds and ponies."

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