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I was buzzing as we drove to the hotel. He dropped me off to my room but I pulled him in with a kiss. I may not be able to tell him I loved him yet, but I could still kiss him.

He laughed a little, kissing me back. The door shut behind us and he brushed his tongue against my lips, asking for permission which I granted happily. He moved us slightly so I wouldn't bang into the wall and then he fell back to sit on the bed. I straddled him, not breaking the kiss, and he held my lower back.

His hands were in my hair and I started to pull up his shirt but he stopped me, "Not yet." I nodded, it was too soon.

Later that night we were watching Netflix. He was lying down and I was tucked into his side. One of my hands was on his chest and the other in his hair, playing with it. His arm was wrapped around me and it wasn't like any other relationship I'd ever had. It was . . . easy. It wasn't just driven by sexual feelings.

"Hey," Max said, pausing the show neither of us were really paying attention to, "Can I ask you something?"
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

I sat up and looked him in the eyes, "I would love that more than anything, Maximilian."

He blushed a bright red, "My name's Max."
"Nuh uh."
"Babe, you can't just nuh uh what my name is."
"Oh really?"
"Nuh uh."

Max laughed, his dimples showing and head thrown back, Adam's Apple bobbing up and down as he laughed.

We didn't end up going to one of the parties. Instead the two of us went to dinner at a tiny restaurant. Max kept dropping his sushi so I picked it up with my chopsticks and fed it to him and he blushed.

"Is this the date?" I asked.
"Honey, when I take you on a date you'll know." He said, and it was my turn to blush.

We walked through the streets of Japan, not holding hands but close enough that a part of us was always touching. People stopped us for pictures and we smiled and posed for them. I was happy as long as I was with Max.

Lestappen : As Long As We're TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now