2000's - 2010's romcoms

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We were far into the sea by the time I deemed it okay to stop the boat. No one would see us here. Max smiled, dimples showing, and we sat down on the deck to watch a movie.

The projector whirred to life and Cars started playing. I laughed with him as we watched the movie, not really paying attention to it. He traced patterns into my collarbone from behind. Mindless swirls of his fingers. One of my hands was in his hair, playing with it. He leaned into it unintentionally and I knew he liked it. He relaxed with me and, strangely enough, I relaxed too. I never relaxed, no matter what, but when I was with Max, my breathing became easier and my smile came more naturally.

"You know," I said, "I used to really love these 2000's-2010's romcoms?"
"What was your favourite?"
"Me before you."
"You need a therapist."
"What? It's not wrong! He dies at the end!"
"You watch those movies too?"
"Peak cinema."
"Okay, so what was your favourite?"
"27 Dresses." He smiled at the memory.
"That's a good one."
"And two weeks' notice."
"Oh god, I had so much second-hand embarrassment while watching that."
"That's the beauty!"
"It was so beautiful I cried."
"I just couldn't deal with it when they fought over the stapler! It was so embarrassing I started crying!"
"Alright," He thought for a second, "Are there any you haven't watched?"
"The Notebook?"
"Yeah, I've been meaning to watch it but its reputation scares me."
"That feels hypocritical when your favourite movie is Me Before You but it's the same reason I haven't watched it yet. Any others?"
"Notting Hill?"
"10 Things I Hate About You."
"Watched it, but not the best."
"Yeah. Any others?"
"Legally Blonde?"
"You've not watched legally blonde?!" His voice was squeaky, "It almost made me become a lawyer. It was that good."
"Confessions of a shopaholic."
"I'm convinced you've not watched anything."
"Shut up."
"Make me."
"Okay." I leaned in, brushing my lips against his, so close that all he had to do was close the gap. And he did.

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