The Trip

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I shut off the show at two in the afternoon. Neither of us complained. I turned and stared at Max, "Yes, Charlie?" He asked.
"I don't know." I confessed.
"You don't have to, I'm really nice to look at."
"Shut up."
"Make me."
"Happily." I propped myself up on my elbows, leaning in close to Max. He didn't talk, watching me carefully. I hovered a hair's breadth away from his lips before moving away, making no contact.
"You tease!" He complained.
"You love it." I said, dismissively.
He moved the hair from my face, propped up on one elbow, facing me sideways, "Yes, I do." He looked at me for a long moment, "We have three weeks till Miami."
"Would you like to go somewhere with me?"
"What should I pack?"
"I'll pack for you."
"Can I pack my underwear at least."
"I'll have to think on that." He pretended to consider something and I shoved him so that he almost fell off the bed.

Three days later we boarded Max's jet and when we landed I knew exactly where we were.

"Paris." I turned to him, "You remembered?" I'd told him ages ago that I loved Paris. It was during our karting days. I'd been upset because my entire family went to Paris while I stayed in Monaco because of school and karting. I'd told him how I loved Paris because they let me have chocolate for breakfast and spoke so elegantly.

"You're going to have to translate everything for me, but yes, of course I remembered."
"You're amazing."
"I know."
"You're also narcissistic." I said, with a laugh.
"Babe, I'm just self aware."

When we got to the hotel, Max flopped on the bed and I joined him, landing on my stomach hard enough that the breath was knocked out of me. "What do you want to do?" He asked.
"Stuff that's way too loud for a hotel."
"I knew you'd say that which is why I booked out the entire floor."
"Who let you have a credit card?"
"People who clearly don't know me."

We didn't end up making any noise. Instead we changed and went down for dinner. The entire time I changed, Max watched me, "Perverted much?" I asked.

Now we sat at a table in a café in Paris. Max being the child he is ordered Mac and Cheese with extra cheese. The waiter looked at him in disdain but kept it to himself.

I hooked my ankles with Max's and he swung them mindlessly as I asked him more questions about what we were going to do, none of which he answered. I took his phone, opening it and going through it for any clues but he sat back, eyebrows quirked with carefree humour.

"Max Verstappen, I swear to god, I will get this information somehow.""Be my guest.""Fuck you.""Actually, it's the other way around. Or did you forget already?" Because I wasn't blushing enough, he leaned close and whispered, "Would you like me to remind you?"I pushed him away and he smiled with victory.

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