Ferrari Toothbrush And Pancakes

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I left pills and water on the bedside for Max and went for a run, trying to clear my head. I ran away from the texture of his hair and the sound of his drunken giggles. I ran away from the dimple in his right cheek and the turquoise of his eyes. But no matter how much I ran, they were always there, right with me, catching me and piercing into my soul.

I came home and Max was still asleep. I showered and he slumbered through it.

By 12 I decided to wake him up, making pancakes for him in case he was hungry. Fortunately, I didn't have to wake him up because, as I flipped the last pancake, he appear dover my shoulder, making me jump. My shoulder hit his cheek and he groaned, holding his head.

Wordlessly, I handed him his cold coffee and pancakes, "There's a brush and toothpaste in the bathroom."
"Please tell me it's not red." He prayed. He waited for a minute and I said nothing, "It's red isn't it, Charles?"
"Great, I'm going to be brushing my teeth with a ferrari toothbrush."
"Yes, your breath stinks, so it will be great." I turned to him, "Now go brush and then you can eat."

Ten minutes later, he appeared outside, face covered in water like a soaked kitten who fell into their milk bowl. Without a word he took the coffee and pancakes, eating them as fast as he drove, before reclining in the chair and closing his eyes, "Did I say or do anything yesterday?" He asked.

"You thought we were together and cried when I told you you weren't." I said with a snort.

"Anything else?"
"You thought we lived together."
"Oh god. What else?"
"You tried to assault me with your lips."
"I hope your usage of tried means I failed."
"Thank god."

"Oh and you also ruined some of Ethan's bushes because you threw up in them."

"He's never going to know it was me."
"Yes, but I will forever be scarred by the memory."

"You're a ferrari driver, there'll be plenty worse in your mind.""True."

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