Open Your Eyes ~ Ch.14

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*Gojo's POV*

I relaxed seeing Y/n rush over to Megumi and pulling up his shirt so she could help heal him. Focusing on the curse in front of me I tried sending it away but I knew if I used my full power the kids would be done for. Glancing back to Megumi I saw Y/n quickly warp away so I shot at the curse but it ended up getting away, I sighed in annoyance as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Is everything ok? Did you get it?" Iori asked coming over to me, I knew if she was here the kids were safe.

"No it got away. I didn't want to hurt the kids even more" I stated nodding towards Megumi as Itadori helped him up and I watched Megumi stand up weakly but he was getting better quickly.

"Where's Y/n?" Iori asked looking around but I shrugged still feeling her pulse around my wrist.

"She was helping Megumi a minute ago. I'm sure she's fine" I brushed Iori off slightly annoyed.

"Or your little girlfriend is off doing what she does best" Mei Mei called out and I clenched my fist frustrated but before I could respond someone sighed.

"Don't talk about someone you don't know Mei Mei" Nanami warned her, silencing the two girls. I looked back at him shocked, no one had seen him in awhile but he fixated his gaze on me.

"Is Megumi ok? From what Itadori says he got a few nice blows to the stomach" Nanami stated and I nodded looking back at Megumi seeing him walk back to the school with Itadori.

"Yeah Y/n helped him before she disappeared" I explained but I heard Nanami inhale sharply.

Turning around I saw him paler then I had ever seen him as he stared at Megumi. My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as I stared at him but Iori walked over to him placing her hand on his arm trying to comfort him.

"What do you mean..?" Nanami asked weakly as he looked back at me and I looked at him confused.

"She's been doing it for the past hour. She's been healing all the students wounds, Megumi was the last one before she warped away" I stated but he groaned rubbing his forehead as he took a few steps backwards.

"Nanami what's wrong?" Iori asked worried but Mei Mei giggled as if she had caught on.

"Are you fucking stupid?!" Nanami shouted looking at me, he stormed towards me but Iori stopped him quickly as I glared at Nanami.

"What's your issue? We handled everything" I snapped but Nanami laughed dryly pulling his phone out.

"Not everything" Nanami mumbled, my eyebrows furrowed together as I thought I noticed Y/n's heartbeat slowing down.

"Nanami calm down explain what's wrong. We can help but you need to tell us" Iori pleaded with Nanami as he called someone ignoring Iori and her pleas.

"They are hers now aren't they?" Mei Mei asked, Iori and I both looked at her confused but Nanami nodded weakly as Mei Mei sighed.

"Megumi's was the final blow.." She mumbled and I watched tears pool in Nanami's eyes.

"What are you talking about? Megumi didn't get the curse" Iori pointed out.

"No he didn't but he may have just killed his sister. She doesn't heal people, she transfers them. It's not common because most sorcerers are fighting for themselves, but if she's taken most if not all of the students injuries.. Megumi just put the final nail in the coffin for her especially with how big his injuries were" Mei Mei explained and my heart dropped as my mind raced as I looked at Nanami for confirmation.

"That's why she disappeared after the first time.. It takes her longer to heal from others wounds but this many.. FUCK! Answer the phone" Nanami shouted as he called again and Iori quickly looked at me. I held onto her necklace wanting to warp her here but I felt her heartbeat fading.

"H-Her necklace.." Nanami mumbled in shock as he lowered his phone from his ear.

"She gave it to Gojo to keep track of her heartbeat and to-to warp her back" Iori explained nervously.

"Her mom gave that to her. But if you warp her it will kill her-" Nanami stated softly.

"It's very weak" I sighed not knowing what to do but Mei Mei hummed.

"Can you warp to her with that?" Mei Mei offered, Iori looked up at me confused but Nanami nodded.

"It's all we got. Go Gojo" Nanami growled I sighed looking at him and for the first time in months we both had the same thought, save Y/n. I took a deep breath as I tilted my head back closing my eyes holding Y/n's necklace tightly for once I could feel her and all her power, but I could feel her elsewhere like I could pinpoint where she was.

"I got her" I stated before warping miles away onto a random rooftop seeing Y/n sitting against the edge wall holding her stomach, blood oozing over her hands as she had cuts everywhere else.

*Why didn't she say anything before? We wouldn't have let her* I quickly moved over to her but she raised her hand and I felt a barrier quickly stop me.

"Y/n! Drop the barrier" I growled in annoyance but she couldn't even open her eyes.

"Go help the kids.." Y/n mumbled, her voice hoarse and weak. I looked around needing in but my eyes landed on her knives which were by my feet. I quickly grabbed them and took a deep breath as they burned into my skin before stabbing into her barrier. She flinched before dropping her barrier completely and I finally understood her knives were anti curse and sorcerer they tore into or blocked anything related.

Dropping them quickly I rushed over to her dropping to my knees as I put my hands over her trying to stop the bleeding. She groaned but I grabbed her chin with my other head angling her head up towards mine so she had to face me.

"Look at me Y/n. I need you to open your eyes" I stated as I took off my jacket placing it on her stomach.

"T-The kids.." She mumbled weakly as she tried to push me away but I growled.

"Fuck those fucking kids. Open your eyes" I shouted as I made her sit up so I could lift her.

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