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Me and Shiloh were walking around Mira HQ. We remembered the table full of cupcakes we passed earlier and decided to head back. 

When we got there I gasped as Shiloh picked up one of the cupcakes and gasped as well. The cupcakes with icing were now cupcakes without icing.


Shiloh called a meeting. "Where?" Everyone asked at the meeting/

"Someone licked the frosting off the cupcakes and now they're just UGLY MUFFINS!" Shiloh slammed the non-iced cupcake on the table, everyone gasped.

 "Who would do such a thing?" Josiah asked. As Josiah asked I saw Judah reach and grab the cupcake from the table/

"The imposter...duh." Jocelyn quietly retorted.

"Judah. Are you still gonna eat that?" Shiloh asked. 

Judah looked at the cupcake and put it back on the table. "Nooooo." Judah said.

"Okay! Is anybody sus?" Elijah asked.

Judah looked around and slammed on the table. "Red's sus!!" Judah and Daniel exclaimed "Now you guys won't believe me at first but-" Judah said, not realizing Daniel agreed with him "Wait what?" Judah stopped himself.

"Yeah I agree." Josiah said. "Red is sus." Josiah pointed at Britney.

 "Yeah, she's been imposter like 50 percent of the time!!" Daniel exclaimed. Judah looked happily at everyone.

We all voted Britney.

"Haha!!" Judah laughed, voting Britney.

"Britney...was...the imposter?" Elijah read, surprised.

"Yeah!! Oh!" Judah celebrated.

"Wait- we were actually right?" I asked.

"Oh yeah!!" Judah continued celebrating.. "YEAH!! WHOOOOOO!!" We all started cheering.

"Mom gave us each a list of tasks to do whilst we're boat sitting the cruise ship, again! So get 'em done" Shiloh said whilst she handed out tasks cards.

 "And remember there were three imposters but now there's only two!" I excitedly exclaimed.

 "Yeah!" Daniel cheered as he walked off.

"Judah." I said, turning to him "Put the muffin back." I told him Judah sighed and put the muffin back onto the table.

As all ran off to do our tasks, Elijah looked left and right before running off. Practically all of us ran upstairs Mary suddenly stopped, I almost ran into her. If it wasn't for Elijah stopping me by pulling me into him, I would've ran straight into Mary. 

 "You ok?" Elijah asked, looking at me.

 "Yeah. I'm fine." I smiled at him.

"Wait. I don't have any tasks up here, why'd I come upstairs?" Mary asked herself before bolting back down the stairs.

 "Hey, hey! Mary's leaving! That's sus! That's sus!!" Josiah exclaimed Mary ran down the stairs.

 "No! I forgot where my tasks were!!" Mary turned back and shouted back.

"That's sus! That's sus!" Josiah said, pointing at Mary.

We all crowded onto the hull of the ship and ran around the deck, trying to get all of our tasks done as quick as possible.

"Oh hey what's that?" Daniel asked, pointing to the book Elijah was reading.

 "Ah. It's this book I've got. How to be a better crewmate. Step one! Red is sus." Elijah read.

⁕⁎𝕰𝖑𝖎𝖏𝖆𝖍 𝕹𝖊𝖑𝖘𝖔𝖓 ⁎⁕Where stories live. Discover now