Chess pt. 2 (This one is also a long one)

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"I would call you a bot, but even bots are good at chess." The Shadow King insulted.

"Oh, that was a good one..." Micah sighed as he turned to Michelle.

"Why didn't we think of that?" Michelle asked herself.

"We're slipping..."

"Marcus, that was just a trade. What was that for?" Judah argued.

"Trading is part of my plan." Marcus simply said, "Now, take out his piece."

Judah stepped forward before stopping and checking his jacket pockets before turning around, "Um, I wasn't given, like, a sword or anything." Judah said, confused.

"You're the king, you can still take pieces." Shiloh explained.

"Okay, I guess I just, um..." Judah hesitates before going up to the monster and slowly boops it's nose. Nothing happens.

"Why are you poking it?" Shiloh asked, a little concerned.

"I don't know!" Judah yells, "I thought he'd like turn to dust or something!"

"It's your crown, use your crown!" Marcus finally said.

"Oh, okay." Judah stiffly takes off his crown and holds his arm out in front of the monster which disappears into a black smoke, "Oh, wow! That was fun."

"Are you distracted, Marcus?" The Shadow King mocked the former King of The White Tower, "Is a life flashing before your eyes?"

Marcus stays silent, unable to defend himself as, it was true. He did see a life flashing before his eyes. Someone he truly and deeply loved.

"Marcus, why is this so personal for you?" Shiloh asked curiously, trying to figure out the mystery.

"Come on, Marcus. Tell them why you're all alone in this world." The Shadow King spoke again.

"What's a king without his queen?" Marcus asked, "He took her. And I never saw her again."

Marcus and Shiloh both turned to look at the corrupt king before Marcus spoke up again, "I will win this Luscious."

"Queen to E8." The Shadow King ignored Marcus's statement, advancing the game.

"Zakiyah to C3."

"Rook, C5."

"Knight to D5."

"Pawn to G6."

"Oh... No..." Judah groaned as he saw everything play out before his eyes.

"Knight to F6, your forked!" Marcus yelled.

"He has you trapped." Judah realized, "Now you must choose who you will save! Yourself, (Y/N), or your knight! Wait, your knight? Where'd he come from?"

"You never could control your emotions, Marcus." The Shadow King smiled at his victory, "Knight to F6."

The kings knight took or Zakiyah, leaving Judah and everyone else feeling hopeless. Dreading what would happen next, Marcus spoke up. "This game is lost. We'll all become monsters eventually. Judah, finish your game."

"I'm quite looking forward to my latest subject." Luscious gestured to where Elijah's prison was, "Say hello."

The portal to his prison opened to reveal Elijah, who was almost entirely consumed by the dark smoke and shadows. "Guys... I don't feel so good..." Elijah muttered.

"Elijah... I'm gonna get you out of there." Judah called out to him.

"I don't know how much longer I have... Tell (Y/N)..." Elijah was then cut off  by the portal slamming close again. Man, that king really liked to cut people off at the worst times...

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