thrown out. again.

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"Come on everybody! Time to start loading onto the airship. Let's go!" Shiloh said as we walked into the massive plane.

"How is this thing so big!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, that's just the outside, (Y/N). It's even bigger on the inside." Elijah explained.

 "What?! How can it get bigger?!" I asked. Elijah shrugged and ran back to the others. "Ugh." I groaned before running after him.

"I'm starting in the kitchen!" Judah shouted, running up the airship's stairs.

"I'm starting in the library!" Mary followed.

"What? You can't just pick where you start!" Shiloh exclaimed.

 "No one can stop me!" Judah shouted from up the stairs.

"Judah! Wait for me!" I ran up to Judah, both of us trying to find the kitchen. Me and Judah were looking for tasks in the kitchen. "Judah? Why'd you start here if there were no tasks?" I asked.

 "The snacks...duh!" Judah said, instantly opening some cupboards and grabbing some food Suddenly an emergency meeting was called and Judah dropped the snacks.

 "Where?" We all asked.

 "Someone mixed the (Y/N)'s skittles in the M&M's!" Shiloh exclaimed. We all gasped. "And now that's all the candy we have!" Shiloh continued. We all gasped again. "AND they used the green bowl!" Shiloh continued 

Everyone else looked confused and started asking what that meant. "It's the bowl we use to feed the cat." Me and Shiloh explained.

"Ahhh! Oh no!" Everyone shouted.

"Red isn't here!" Judah exclaimed, slamming his hands on the table.

 "Ok, is anybody sus?" Elijah asked.

 "No one is sus! Because red isn't here!" Judah exclaimed.  "I trust every single one of you! I trust you! And I trust you! I trust you!" Judah exclaimed, pointing at people.

 I looked over at Britney, who was in a different colored onesie and a wig. "D-does he know?" Daniel asked her, pointing at Judah.

"I'm doing this for everyone." Britney whispered back to Daniel.

 "I trust you because you're not red." Judah continued. 

 "Okay! We don't have enough info so I say we skip." Shiloh stopped Judah.

 "Skip!" Everyone skipped.

 "Okay everybody mom gave us each a list of tasks to do whilst we're on the airship so get them done!" Shiloh handed out the task cards. I passed one to Micah, who passed it to Jocelyn, both of them giving me a thumbs up.

 "And remember there's still three imposters!" Elijah called out to everyone

 I looked over at Daniel, knowing he was going to react "Don't worry! I'm used to it!" Daniel shouted, walking off. 

 I rolled my eyes, it was clear he was lying. "One, two, three." I counted to Elijah.

 "Ahhh!" Daniel screamed from the other room, making me and Elijah both jump.

 "There it is." I smiled before I looked back at my tasks before running off, Elijah doing his look-left-look-right-before-running-off thing.

"Woah!" Judah exclaimed, turning around to me .

"Hey Judah." I smiled, having stopped running.

 "Why were you going so fast?!" Judah exclaimed.

 "Oh, well, I started running then heard you so I just kept running and ran into you." I explained. Judah squinted at me, trying to find out if I was the imposter.

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