Red VS Blue

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Shiloh, dressed in red, and Micah, dressed in blue, marched from side to side in front of their co-workers on different colored sides of the restaurant. "Do you see the enemy team!?" Micah shouted, "They've done absolutely nothing wrong except wear the color red, I've always hated the color red."

(Y/N) frowned, what was wrong with the color red?

"By the end of today, whoever makes more money wins!" Shiloh explained. 

"We will demolish them!" Micah shouted. Micah and Shiloh both march in sync before facing each other off.

"You can surrender now if you want." Shiloh said as he stared into the taller male's eyes.

"I was just about to offer you the same thing." Micah retorted.

"Well, I already offered so now it looks like you're copying me." The girl said in a condescending tone.

"Now it looks like you're copying me." Micah mocked. Shiloh's eyes widened.

"Hey stop copying me!"

"Hey stop coPYing me." Micah mocked. (Y/N) supressed a snort by coughing harshly.

Shiloh huffed and turned her head to Judah, "Judah, make him stop." Shiloh pointed to her brother. Judah shook his head with a sigh.

"I can't, he'll just copy me too." Judah said. The tension in the room flew out the door as it opened to reveal the first customer.

Shiloh and Micah scurried their way to the man, but sadly, Micah got their first. "Yes! Uh, right this way to the blue side." Micah guided the customer over to their side as Shiloh desperately tried to get the man over to the red side before sighing.

Shiloh turned to them, "We have to win this."

Everyone nodded before running into the kitchen as quickly as they could. The five chefs entered the kitchen as Elijah and Michelle talked. (Y/N) dug through the cabinet's to find all of the utensils.

Sure, the blue side got the team but they needed to fill the sink with warm water so she could wash the dishes! And the red side could prepare better than them!

"Yes, we took the lead! Our team got the first customer!" Elijah smiled as he looked at the ticket and went to the stove station, "Order up! Chicken noodle soup. Now, where's the soup pot we need?"

Michelle and Elijah turned their heads to the red side as the three paused. "Isn't that the soup pot we need?" Michelle asked.

Judah had a devious look in his eyes before snatching the pot with a smirk. "Good luck." Judah said with a condescending tone.

After a while, (Y/N) scrubbed the dishes furiously as she heard Elijah's voice once again. She turned to see Elijah and Michelle cooking with... What exactly were those and where did they find them?

"Hey, Judah! Guess who can cook without a pot." Elijah smiled before (Y/N) saw a rack with bowls being pulled into the kitchen.

"Hey, Elijah! Guess who got all the bowls!" Judah exclaimed. (Y/N) laughed as she high-fived Judah with her wet hand before going back to washing the dishes.

"Hey, why do you have three people and we don't?!" Michelle pointed to (Y/N).

The (H/C) haired girl turned and waved with a sheepish smile, "Well, it was either me or William. Micah and Shiloh flipped a coin and you can guess who won." (Y/N) shrugged.

"Who's William?" Michelle asked.

"You don't wanna know." Elijah said with a dead-panned look before Josiah walked in. He took the chicken noodle soup and poured it into... A cup? Before getting a fork and taking it outside hastily.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06 ⏰

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