chapter 2

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2030, Mumbai airport

Ishan's pov-

Ishan had enough of dramatics to last a year in span of 8 hrs.

First it was the offer to join ongoing WC as a substitute given the injuries though he knew it had more to  do with the por performance of team.
And than pankhuri bhabhi throwing a fit,he knew she was only one he has now along with the memories of lost dear one that kept him going but nothing eased him to the fit she threw.

Ishan knows she wasn't wrong,ishan knew what was awaiting him,he had experienced it first hand,he knew the humiliation he had to face from his own team once he reaches England,he knew the management that called him up at midnight would again drop him for one bad performance.
He had experienced first hand what it's to be dropped despite giving it all when team needed it most,he knows that accepting the offer and going there would do nothing but reopen the older wounds,but than how could he not.
The team needed him,it was freaking WC and cricket will always remain his first love.

He knew the jibes, humiliation and ignorance that awaits him but he doesn't care,he stopped caring on that dreadful night 4 years back when God took away from him his sole reason to exist.
He gave up explaining time and again how he wasn't at fault 4 years back.
He has enough for the three years ,he Ran from member to member,his family as routine to get them to see his innocence and how he was being framed,heck, he at one point just took the false accusations and was begging everyone for forgiveness but that didn't change anything.

He now had no one by his side except for pankhuri,he was thankful this women chose to see things through and stay by his side going against her how husband.
He was thankful there was atleast one person who cared for his survival.

Lost in thoughts ishan was jolted to reality by the 3 yr baby girl sitting behind him clinging to his shirt,he was amazed at the innocence of the child, he mind drifting back to how his own would have been around same age,if not for that fateful night.

"Not again ishan" his mind provided.

Don't get him wrong but the painful memories of that night as much as reason to keep going are so painful that the panic sets in everytime he reminiscences that night bring out his vulnerable side and he can't afford a panic attack in a airport surrounded by media while going to join WC without his bhabhi by his side in.

Ishan reminded himself how he had to sort his brain and function on autopilot he has prepared for himself the coming 30 days to avoid any further drama from the team and management.

He already had enough going for past 7 years, nothing more mow he could handle anymore

Ishan quickly grabs a coffee and bids the baby girl goodbye as his flight is announced, he's thankful to the staff restricting media from throwing unnecessary questions at him at odd hours.

As he boarded flight, though functioning on low sleep, sleep was far away from his eyes,his brain kept chanting like a mantra what he had to for the next 30 days.

But nothing would ease the creepiness filling him up ,that unknown ease again catching him up as the destination nears, the headache kept getting worse.

Damn,he has to survive 30 days but looks his body and brain are giving up before he even reaches England...

As the pilot announced touchdown,he doesn't know when the attack sets in and he lost his consciousness.

P.s. guys thankyou for the response,I appreciate it and means a lot.

I know the work requires lot of editing but I'm short on time , caught in work. promising to get the editing done,once my project is done next week and I would be free for a while month before taking up new work

Next chapter:

"See bhaiya, I told you, he's an attention seeker"

"For sake of God, please stop shouting in a goddamn hospital"

"Sharam toh 7 saal pehle his nahi thi,pata nahi kounsa mooh uthakar yaha chala aaya fir se"

"Don't give a damn what every individual feels, act like grown ups you are and try prioritising the game you are here for over your personal equations '

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