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Rishab was waiting for either Harry or jassi to speak up.

His ligament tear was healing slowly, he was advised to not walk on the injured ankle and rest well, he felt bad for getting himself injured before such a crucial match.

He was advised complete rest atleast for 3 weeks, reason he couldn't fly back home while replacement arrived.

It was ishan who was coming in to fill his absence.

The person he disliked for what he did years back, yep dislike is what he would say,hate was a too big of emotion,what ishan did back than tough not something unusual to cricketer's was suprising to Rishab.
They both had started out together, almost.
The ishan he knew was too damn dedicated to cricket,him doing what he was accused of doing was something rishab couldn't digest.
But than the evidences were proving it otherwise,ishan really did it.
And just like that rishab too joined the bandwagon.
he saw how desperate that man was to prove his innocence but again money is tempting for all and with evidences pointing at it , it was getting difficult to beleive ishan.

But when whole mia fiasco broke out, rishab in an instance knew how that was total bullshit even with all evidences.
One may wonder how given this incidence too had all evidences pointing out at ishan but than Rishab knew ishan since their teens.

They started their careers together,both went big in their own rights.

Rishab knew what way ishan swings even tough that man didn't accept it himself back than

It was one of those drunk teenage confession during u-19 days ishan himself had made.

He admitted which way he swings,and went great length drunk explaining how rishab was his only friend he was admitting it to cos he wasn't handsome enough for ishan to hit on him.

Rishab too drunk was confused should he be shocked suprised at ishan's confession or embarassed and angry that,that tiny man had called him not handsome enough to hit on.

Well he didn't do both cos ishan has passed out and rishab followed the suit minutes later

When both woke up next day morning,head heavy with hangover,and the memories of night flooding back.
They both looked at each other.
Ishan too shocked and Rishab too confused.

When rishab finally remembered the entirety of night's talk he could understand ishan's expressions.

Both went seperate ways not speaking a word until two days later when rishab confronted ishan.

No he wasn't concerned with ishan's sexuality,what offended him the fact that ishan considered him not good enough to hit upon.

So when he confronted ishan and ishan admitted it so nonchalantly after denying to accept initially including the fact how the only reason he confessed to him was cos he's not good looking enough what ensued was a chase around ground, ishan running for his life while rishab after him to get to him admit he was indeed good looking and giggles and laughter echoing the ground.
Ishan still wouldn't admit rishab is good looking tough

So when Mia's allegation came to light,he knew there wasn't iota of truth to it.
He went to meet ishan, whatever ishan did was unforgivable but rishab knew that man needed him now.
He was selected few or maybe only one(he thought so) who knew of ishan's sexuality,maybe he could be of some help to ishan.

But he couldn't meet him for whatever reasons.

So the day before when ishan stopped visiting dressing room was the penultimate time rishab had seen him along with other's.

He felt bad when the pandya brother's filed the case,he wanted to talk but those weren't ready to listen and he wasn't ready to oust ishan to everyone else without having a talk with ishan first.

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