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Ishan's pov-

The head hurts, it hurts so bad, he doesn't even know where he's exactly now, in the plane?, airport lobby? A hospital? a clinic? He had no idea, all he knew the head was hurting as if a herd of elephants ran a marathon there .

He could hear some distant chatter, but he couldn't make out anything, the throbbing pain keeps him from making anything of his surroundings.

The last thing he remembers was passing out in the plane.

Ok wait, he did pass out in the plane, and where he's now is definitely not a plane not even an airport lobby as the smell of disinfectant was too strong.

The headache kept getting worse, he had 30 days to spend,8hrs to prepare for the worse nightmare and yet looks like his body gave up the movement plane entered the airspace of England, he was now worried how would the 30 days to go.......


Ishan was as usual in his practice, preparing himself for the upcoming ranji matches,
But the call changed everything...


After the entire fiasco 7 years back being part of playing 11 of the team of 15 was done dream, he was sure of it.

Even IPL was same, the entire fiasco fucked his career and brought it to an abrupt end, he understood 7 years back no matter how good of a player you are , people won't hire you if things are going down south for you especially if you are Ishan, dude was anyways dropped for experiment and silly reasons earlier with no explanation whatsoever.

His contract was cancelled abruptly for what, he still doesn't know.

He had given up on cricket when the people he considered as family, his own family gave up on him.

It was only logically right, give up on your love since your loved one's have given up on you.

He was away from cricket for three years, blissful three years amidst storms and conspiracies brewing in hindsight which he failed to notice he would say.

But than what's luck when you are Ishan, the trauma of that night haunts him and he was back on field cos according to pankhuri now cricket was the only thing that would keep him going.

"Lie" he thought to himself, even pankhuri knows that, ishan now has whole damn reason to keep going apart from cricket, but let's go there some other time

The comeback wasn't something spectacle, he grind through everything to get his name cleared, for a team to vouch for him yet everything seemed to fail until his home team, the team that made him the player he was today backed him in the time of crisis citing personal equations are never bigger than game.

Truth to be told, it was more of a two way street as jharkhand team was need of player that could help them get back their standing and funding, while ishan needed someone anyone that could let him play.

The first year, after a gap of 3 years when he was back on field he was a spectacular failure, neither were runs being made nor the wicket keeping business any good, the media has started to nitpick how once a star had now failed and how his international career was a fluke or fraudulent.

The voices, criticism and hatred kept growing for something like ranji but ishan kept going, thankful for the team not dropping him, second year he improved, third year he was the star back in action.
The voices that kept coming at him for his failure's were now singing his praises wanting a piece of his success.

The runs kept coming, the trophies too and so was ishan back in form.

He was surprised when he learnt he was going to be in ipl auction after a while 5 years, miraculous he would say.

They say it right, when you succeed people tend to forget your bad past.
Same was happening with ishan.

The 2028 ipl gave ishan the player everything one could ask for, he went sold for record amount of money, won a trophy for to the team, got his lost respect back, had people backing him, the past abuses hurled at him now turned into praises.

But that would still change nothing for him, public, media or none were aware that  meets eyes is not always true.

The accusations weren't the only thing that kept him away, the drama that happened 5 years back when as lot murkier than the public could imagine.
Ishan the player maybe at top of world but ishan the human was dead, he had nothing going on for him despite everything going on for him, not when the past wounds were still so raw, those people who he thought were family still wronging him and the loss that took away his everything.

2029 ipl and ranji were different altogether, ishan was now captain of his franchise (imagine any franchise you want,I would personally like him leading csk or RCB in future tough),got them the trophy, same with ranji.

Public wanted him in the playing 11 of upcoming WC squad, but who was he kidding he knew no matter what ict was a done chapter and he would never get that call.

And same happened, public threw a fit but he knew bcci would give a damn.

The team failed the first 3 matches failing each department so bad that it would embarss anyone.


The call at such hour was unexpected, his first thought was anything bad happening to his bhabhi but than it was not her.

He was hesitant to pick up at first cos this was a call into his personal number that not many had to begin with.

He ignored the first few times, but than had to pick up when the caller id showed pankhuri bhabhi.

"Watch out the headlines" is all pankhuri said, no greetings nothing, straight to point and the line went off.

He was confused,ipl was over last year,ranji was due in next 15 days and ipl this year was still 4 months what would anything else would be of so important for him to watch out in his now unadventures life now.

But, hey! Curiosity gets better of anything, so he did what any rational human would do, come online





"WTF"  ishan's brain yelled, when did this happen, he didn't knew he had a flight to catch in 8hrs to England, this was too much, he hasn't consented anything, heck, he wasn't even asked to begin with.

He wasn't ready for it.

He was still trying to process everything, when the shrill ring tone brought him back

"Bhabhi " calling the screen read.

"SIYAAPA" he muttered to himself


P s. - the chapter is already big enough, will sadly have to break it into two parts.

Hopefully you guys would enjoy and please have a bit patience for the painful past to unfold and understand why everyone is so against him

Now thankyou, bye....

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