Chapter 18

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Everyone was in the dining hall.

Hardik was waiting for ishan's arrival.

Hardik knows more or less he had endangered ishan with his display of affection so openly.

The threat if wanted a direct attack,ishan would take the first hit but with no clue otherwise he had no choice either.

Hardik was planning to shift to ishan's room but that would take time so he was keeping an eye on him from distant as much as he could .

Hardik saw ishan approaching the dining hall along with sid behind him when he saw someone pulling ishan.

Sid was too busy blabbering to notice ishan gone.

The pull itself was in such a swift moment that if hardik wasn't so keen on keeping an eye on ishan he wouldn't have noticed either.

His first thought was, it was shubman, but than shubman was right there sitting with mayank and Abhishek.

So who was it?

He was immediate to follow ishan,
the team noticed urgency in hardik's movements.

He didn't notice the team had followed him almost immediately.

Sid too now aware of ishan's absence, confused followed hardik and team.

Ishan was shocked by the sudden pull.
What do these people think he is, always pulling and pushing him.

He sensed something wrong, this wasn't shubman, he would know the touch if it was him.

The grip on his hand kept tightening.

He tried to set himself free, the man was dragging him towards exit.
He was properly masked so ishan couldn't make out who it was.

He herd hardik yelling his name drawing everyone's attention and with this the man left his hand and ran away,
Everything happened so quickly no one hand time to comprehend anything

Ishan felt as if something had stung him when the man loosened his grip to run away,but he didn't pay much attention to it worrying about the substantial attention hardik's yelling had drawn.

He herd hardik yelling at kedar and staff for poor security and asking to get that man caught asap

Ishan was more shocked seeing hardik angry and concerned for him than an unknown man randomly pulling him away and than leaving him just like that.

"Are you ok" sid asked admist the chaos

"Yeah"ishan replied.

Hardik yelling while they are at lobby wasn't of much help except for drawing unnecessary attention.
Ishan didn't want any drama, the man looked suspicious but it wasn't something for a scene to be made out of.

The stinging sensation increased but ishan decided to ignore it for sake of having to stop hardik from creating a scene.

He didn't want to talk to hardik directly, he couldn't get himself to talk to that man no matter what,the pain still felt so raw in his presence,so he approached kedar.

"Kedar I'm fine, let's go have dinner,than we can check CCTV, nothing major to cause such huge drama"ishan said.

He was very well aware of the eyes that bore into him when he said that.

Hardik was seething in his anger, how can ishan be so nonchalant about whatever happened.
He was letting go entire thing so easily.

Fine,if ishan wants to let it go that upto him but hardik knew this wasn't a coincidence and he would find whatever that man here was for.

"Fine let's go for dinner, we can talk about security later"hardik agreed with ishan.

Hardik knew there was no use making a scene, team was already exhausted and this was something he needed to deal alone.

Everyone agreed and headed for the dinner.

Sid kept asking if ishan was fine to which ishan replied he was when infact he wasn't

This wasn't first time something like this had happened, he remembered a similar thing happening 7 years back.

Was it a coincidence or pre-planned he wasn't sure.

He felt Deja Vu of 7 years back, only difference that time he was alone travelling somewhere and staying at pit stop, this time it was before entire team.

He didn't want to disclose this information tough, he was sure kedar would amp up the security anyway know and cctv footage would get the man caught.

The law would take it's course and maybe he was being paranoid anyways,ishan tried to calm himself down.

The dinner was a silent affair, none spoke much, just a small talk here and there.

Kedar assured he would take care of everything and make sure such incidents don't repeat and also that he had arranged for a meeting with hotel supervisor to increase the security.

Everyone departed after a silent dinner.

Shreyas had asked everyone to keep an eye out and be careful of the surroundings.

Everyone nodded and went ahead.

Shubman had a very neutral expression throughout the entire scene.
Ishan had noticed.

Was he disappointed? He didn't know but whom was he kidding, he did feel bad shubman being so unaffected

Why does the heart still crave , ishan chided himself.

Ishan now in confines of room was extra terrified than ever, whatever happened did affect him, he may act as if it didn't but that whole incident did make him creep out, those eye's sent a shiver down his spine.

He needed to keep himself distracted and he also needed some fresh air.

Deciding staying in room won't help,ishan went to terrace for a brisk walk.
Maybe the walk would keep his thoughts collects and get rid of that creepy feeling.

The England wind during peak winter at night was indeed horrible,ishan regretted not carrying the overcoat sid had lent him, he felt chilly.

What he didn't expect to find on terrace was shubman, sitting near a bonfire looking lost.

Not again! ishan thought to himself, whatever encounter he had with shubman since his arrival were too exhausting for him, that man left no stone unturned to hurt him physically or taunt him.

He just wanted a peaceful walk to collect his thoughts.

Ishan saw shubman hadn't noticed him,so he was about to turn around to avoid any drama when the man spoke.

"Kaha chale?"

Ishan should have known better, that man had someone weird senses when it comes to him ,he could literally sense ishan everywhere and anywhere, shubman had called himself a ishan radar.

Was that his heart missing a beat knowing shub still had his senses intact.


Anyway he was going to ignore both his heart and shubman,he knows it's better for him to walk out, shubman at end of the day would hurt him no matter what.

"Kaha chale" shub asked again.

Ishan stopped mid way, he didn't want to answer that and what surprised him more was the calmness in his voice.
The question was simple, the tone having not a single hint of hatered or anything negative to it.

If not for the past and how shubman had treated him any passerby would mistake them for something, the way shubman acted.

Ishan was thankful there was no one around.

He knew shub would mess with  him again.

He was about to walk away when he herd shubham yell

"Ishu khoon"


Before ishan could react he saw shubman approaching him at inhumane speed and he blacked out that.........


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