CHAPTER 3(Cont..)

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"SIYAPAA" He muttered to himself

He was not in a position to take this particular call, he knew the apprehensions pankhuri had but he needed time to process the information.

he needed to have a talk with with the BCCI management, they cannot be doing this to him, like yes it would be dream for anyone to represent their nation in WC, but this came as a  shocker.

The management was aware of the drama, they were part of the drama back than, he now refused to again become a puppet at their hands, to be used as they like, he is not getting into that plane to England unless he has his answers.

The phone did not stop buzzing, but he was determined to not take pankhuri's call unless he talked with the management.

As he rushed out to meet the management, there he saw her,outside the ground, pankhuri waiting for him, his heart swelled with love, he was happy seeing at least one person was there to watch out for him

Her face was devoid of any emotion, "get in" is all she said as she herself  took the driver seat.

Ishan did not protest, he got in

''i do not want to go" Ishan said

"why not? this is a golden opportunity, you might finally have a closure" she said

"what if i don't want to?  i have made peace with everything, i don't want any closure, i had accepted the unnecessary hatred and accusations, i have already lost everything, ishan the player is happy and i want nothing else " ishan said in a single breath not realising  he was holding it till now

"no ishan, you have not, you sleep with help of pills every night, your nights are filled with her memories, your eyes drop but the tears reminiscing her won't stop" pankuri said

pankhuri had seen this man break bit by bit and now the destiny has presented him a opportunity for closure, things can take any turn but at least a closure was far better than seeing her brother die a bit each day

And maybe if god grants her wish, those fools can see through the lies they were fed through and how their actions has made ishan a living dead person. she this time is willing to do anything to get people see the truth, last time she was not  here to take care of her brother, but this time history won't repeat.

Ishan had to be in England so she has time to uncover everything with proofs by the time he returns, the people had lot of grovelling to do once the truth comes out, she was sure Ishan would forgive everyone cos cmon he was ishan, tough she wanted he never does that after what they put him through.

But she was sure even the ever forgiving ishan would never forgive him, that idiot took away from ishan his most precious thing in such a cruel way,
was he even aware the damaged he caused?

"damn SHUBMAN I wish ishan never forgives you  for what you had done"

Her thoughts came to an abruptlend so as the car as they reached their destination. ishan too was out of his thoughts

"BCCI Headquarters" the board read

'bhabhi why are we here ?" ishan yelled

Pnkhuri " ishan i had never asked you anything , but at least for sake of me please accept this offer, i know there is lot at stake and you are not ready to face them, but wc was your dream once and i want you  to make most of it"

she knew ishan would never deny her anything and as much bad as she feels for putting him through something he has not agreed to, this was her only way to set things right finally.

She knew this management could not be trusted and how they viewed her brother as commodity, they did that in the past and they are doing it now, but this time odds are in their favour, the team needed ishan not vice versa and she made sure to sort things as per her wishes using this

"Flight in 8 hrs, you sign the documents here, no need to set a step into that building, i have taken care of everything" pankhuri blurted to a still blank faced ishan lost in his thought

"but, i..."

"don't, i have taken care of everything, if not for anyone else do it for my sake and the promise you made to myra" pankhuri knew she crossed a line blurting that name but she had no other  option to get ishan agree

and  folks that's how ishan ended up in flight to england to join the squad without having a word with the management and speaking his mind of how consent was a thing which those boomer idiots did not seem to get to

he was per say not angry with pankhuri he knew she did that for his own good, but no matter for sake of whatever he could not get himself to face those people again,not him especially now that pankhuri reopened old wounds by taking the name MYRA.

He thought 8 hrs would be enough to prepare himself, afterall he stopped caring 4 years back, Right?  but guess wounds of past are not so easily forgotten.

He boarded plane with the number of new manager in england handling the team, his kit and hardly enough clothes to last 30 days, let alone the chilly weather, another regret to not take weather into consideration.

so how did he end up where ever he was now, did someone kidnap him?

"no idiot the place is too luxurious to keep a hostage" his brain provided, he left out a chuckle at that

"see bhaiya i told you he is an attention seeker, see him laugh so shamelessly after acting as if he passed out and gave us a headache" came the shrill voice

Ishan stilled, the voice not helping the rising bile in his stomach, no he Can't afford a panic attack again atleast not infront of them.......


P.S. - thanks a lot for people finding the story good enough to take time and read.

just wanted to know how do guys feel about the pace, too slow? should i rush things or take my time with setting up both revelation and grovelling?


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