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Shubman simply put the locket into his pocket and walked away saying he would get a run before they would hit the ground for practice.

Abhi and mayank were sighed at how nonchalant shubman is being but again shubman being this aloof since past 4 years,they tried to coax him to speak up but to no avail.

They both knew things in bits and pieces but not the entire picture and shubman kept being a puzzle.

Abhi or mayank would never forget the crazy stunts this man has pulled when ishan disappeared after their confrontation in that hotel room.

They were confused,abhi and mayank knew shubman crossed a line in that hotel room, the accuses and words he hurled at ishan were disgusting even for mayank.
There was no going back after what shubman had done.
They had to drag shubman out of that room before he would cause more damage.

When they were able to send off shubman along with driver after Abhi had practically threatened a murder to shubman, they went back to check on ishan only to see he was gone, the staff confirmed ishan had left.
Abhishek tried calling ishan on phone but were suprised to see the phone being left behind in the same roof..
They went to ishan's flat but he wasn't there with.

This concerned them but before they would catch a breath and think what to do and where to search ishan for they received a call from shubman's driver. Shub had threatened the driver to get off and oversped the car somewhere.

Abhi was at his limit now, what shub was doing wasn't making any sense,that dude ruined everything and now acting weird.

Things spiralled down after that,ishan had disappeared,no traces whatsoever,not a soul knew where he was.

He wasn't visiting the dressing room nor tha pandya house or calling his brother to check upon family,even pankhuri denied knowing his whereabouts.

It seemed as if ishan was a figment of their imagination,as if he never existed in first place, and if that wasn't enough shubman was being erratic since that day.

It seemed to abhi as if he was living with two different persons,the amount of crazy stuff abhi and mayank had to go through cos of shubman was unthinkable.

The dude did things that made no sense.
One second he would be acting as if he didn't care if ishan was dead or how he regretted not being the one to kill him off and the next moment he was begging for ishan as if his life depended on it.

Abhi and mayank had already lost a friend of theirs and seeing shubman like this made things worse for them.

They didn't knew which shubman to believe,what to make of this behaviour but they would never abandon him.
Ishan was gone, their efforts to search for him futile,they can't loose shub also.

Shub's family was concerned ,the team was concerned, the behavioural shift was too evident for everyone.

Abhi and mayank had their own relationship that was going through tumultuous phase.
Abhi loved mayank but the way mayank had accused him of sleeping with ishan had to have consequences.

It was getting too much, the phase of their relationship, shubman's behaviour, ishan's disappearance and not to forget the consequetive losses the team had to face for whatever reasons.

UTTER CHAOS was that period of ishan's disappearance.

Abhi wondered where things had gone wrong.

Shubman nd ishan were together.
He was sure they would have made things work.
Abhi admired the unwavering faith shubman had even when whole world had accused ishan of everything.
Abhi himself had realised his feelings for mayank,he confessed, they got together.
4 best friends together having their share of problems but ready to take on the world.
Not to forget abhi and mayank both making it to team along with shubman, ishan too would comeback someday, abhi was sure of it.

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⏰ Last updated: 18 hours ago ⏰

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