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Siddharth swore he has aged atleast 5 yrs since ishan has arrived.

No, don't get him wrong,he had been fond of ishan since he arrived, emphasised with his pain and wanted to be there for him, he still wants to be there with him but what ishan was doing to himself was not acceptable to sid

Sid was a doctor,he knows how psychology works,he knows this might be ishan's coping mechanism but that doesn't give him any right to self inflect so much pain on himself. Even medically that's not advisable.

Ishan's panic attack this time was not severe as the one earlier when shubman gill let him off the room, that was worse,he swore.

But even now ishan couldn't get himself to control his panic attack, subtle it was ,yes but sid cannot leave him like this.

Ishan insisted he was fine,he wasn't tough and sid knew it.

Ishan promised he wouldn't injure himself again,a lie it was ,sid knew how patient's behave.

Should he hug ishan to provide much needed solace,sid thought to himself.

Would that be too much of overstepping of his boundaries as a group doctor,he was hesitant.

Ishan never let people near him,sid had observed since his arrival, infact, sid was the only one ishan spoke normally to.
He has observed how everyone either avoided him or even if conversed the pauses were too long.

He wanted to hug ishan so badly to console, as a doctor as well as cos his heart wanted him to do that.

Damn, 2 days and sid already was so fond of this broken human, was that normal? Sid thought to himself.

These new found feelings for ishan,ishan self harming himself as a coping mechanism has messed up with his brain and sped up his aging.

He needs someone to talk to to understand his feelings for ishan,
Mere crush or something more he needs the confirmation.

That can be done later but right now he was confused whether he should give that much needed hug to ishan or not, ishan though assured he was fine,he wasn't.

If ishan pushes him away he would take that as a cue but for now he decided to hug ishan.

Just as he was about to hug ishan, someone pushed him aside taking ishan into his embrace.

Sid was embarassed a bit at first for being pushed away than confused.
He was about to protest when he saw ishan relaxing in the embrace.

Damn he hated this team to ruin his chances with whatever that could brew between him and ishan.

Whenever he tried taking a step forward someone would interrupt him. So much for behaving as if ishan didn't exist.
This team was weird, first behave oddly with ishan and that always be around 24*7 to step in whenever sid wanted to take a chance.

This team was more obsessed with ishan than he is, sid concluded.

Anyways, seeing ishan relax in that much needed hug, sid the doctor was relived, sid the person jealous.
But he let both of them be and walked out not before reminding the person hugging him to make ishan take his medicine's.

The other person assured it.

Ishan didn't see who had hugged him, heck he doesn't even remember how sid was in his room.

A jr. had dressed his wound when hardik and jassi were still here,than he pathetically cried to himself and dozed off.
Maybe he must have opened the wound again in sleep.

That must be the reason sid himself was here.
Thinking of which he now understands why that guy seemed so distressed.
Ishan kept opening his wound,heck he was the WC keeper, specifically called for  winning the matches he can't be this careless but he can't help either.

Anyways he promised himself this would be the last time, he needs his hands intact to win those matches.

Few minutes passed, the panic seemed going away,ishan relaxed a bit and finally found courage to look up.

Ishan was in a desperate need of a hug,so when one came his way,he took it  not caring who it was, but now that the panic seemed settled he was hesitant, what if the other person again makes a joke of him.

He hesitantly looked up, it was MAYANK.

Mayank,once his best friend.
The friendship that sustained over years and many misunderstandings but snapped when mayank just like shubman had accused him of having an affair with Abhishek, mayank's boyfriend.

Ishan was confused when both shubham and mayank had accused of same thing, he didn't know how that happened in him past.
Him cheating on shub,with Abhishek,his best friend's boyfriend,that was absurd.
But no one was there to listen his side of story.

Ishan hesitantly broke the hug ,he wasn't sure how to react.

Mayank had walked away that day accusing him and than they didn't interact ever.
Ishan knew mayank and Abhishek were still together, he was happy for them but he didn't know how to react to him.

They both stood in silence,ishan was expecting Mayank to snap just like other's did to him but that didn't happen.

Instead that man ordered a room service for ishan.

"Khale le"is all what mayank said when the food arrived.

Ishan obliged,he literally had no strength to argue.

He hopefully did ask mayank to join tough who to ishan's surprise did oblige.

The old best friends sat in silence having the food.
None spoke a word.

The old them would have the room on fire with their energy and matching mad personality but things changed.

Ishan found a solace in the silence, Mayank not accusing him again felt good.

As the food was done,mayank made sure ishan had his medicines and than asked for leave.

But before that he said

"Khayal rakh apna,chot pahunchana band kar aapne aap ko,team ko zarurat hai tumhaari.
Koi kuch bhi kare ya bole,you are important here ishan,yeh baat kabhi mat bhoolna"

Ishan nodded,not finding voice to express the gratitude he felt for mayank showing concern for him,not reopening the past awkwardness between them.

"Maaf karde mujhe,ho sake toh,purane zakhmo keliye" mayank said almost sprinting out of the room, before ishan could respond......


Next chapter: mayank's pov.

I guess shubman's pov will be pushed much longer 🙈😜🤣

P.s. guys I literally wrote this fic or writing just for getting ishman out of system, only to realise they have grown much more dear to me.
Don't worry I'm as delusional to say ishman married but rooted in reality to know it's meant as a joke and in good spirit.

I didn't expect people to read through angst filled fic I keep dragging with each update let alone loving it and expecting to ready more

I'm so very thankful to whoever is taking time to read and comment.
I read each comment tough I may not reply due to time constraint, I appreciate each one's comments.
Again than you each one so very much for liking the fic.

Someone asked me in dms when I didn't update if I'm discontinuing it
Just saying I hate half finished stories and would definitely complete this story, maybe it would take time but I would definitely it.

Enough rambling but once again thankyou for taking time and reading the fic.

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