
477 26 8

I was a moth to his flame, and he never hesitated to burn me.


He took his hands before himself revealing the bowl of soup.

"You must be tired. Have it." He bent to her level trying to feed her the food.

"What is all this? Why are you even doing this?" Her eyes stinged and tear glands pained due to constant shedding tears. Yet, they weren't stopping.

"Isn't it obvious? I love you and want to keep you close to me."

"By kidnapping and caging me forcefully?" Raekii's voice barely came out.

Taehyung chuckled hearing her. "No owner wishes to see their bird captive. But, some birds are better in cage cause they fly away when independent." His voice paused for a moment while his eyes dug holes in hers.

"And indeed, you're one of them."

"Tsk, tsk, see how weak you've become, can't even speak properly." He pouted.

"Here, have it. Say ahh." His actions pure as his eyes showed something else.

"My baby?" She inquired, panicking.

He kept the spoon back in the bowl and caressed her cheek.

"Our baby is completely fine." He smiled. "But I can't ensure for how much time it will be." His tone calm as ocean, the same ocean which hides its hazard until it consumes everything coming in its way.

"You have to grant whatever I'll offer, if you will to be out of danger. However, Raekii, if you defy me now, you'll grow weak, and I guess you're much aware of how it will affect your unborn." He spoke, while his voice came out utterly intimidating.

Raekii's blood ran cold at his words, her heart pounding in her chest as she realised the level of his insanity.

She had finally unfolded all of his shades~

Trembling with fear, she struggled against her restraints, her voice quivering as she pleaded him.

"Taehyung, please... don't do this." She begged, her eyes brimming with tears.

Despite of her implores, the person mentioned remained unmoved, his expression devoid of empathy as he delivered his ultimatum.

"I love you, Raekii, but you must learn to obey me. How dare you leave me?" He declared, his voice chillingly calm. "There are consequences for your actions."

Raekii could only watch in silence as Taehyung's true nature revealed itself, leaving her trapped in a nightmare of his making.

However, Raekii wasn't planning on succumbing to his control.  As her eyes met Taehyung's gaze with anger, her tears ceased to flow, replaced by a steely resolve.

"Fuck you, Kim Taehyung. I hope you die the most painful death there is." Adding a venomous glare, she hurled curses at him, her tone dripping with contempt and loathing.

Taehyung's guise of concern and calmness shattered in an instant, allowing him to reach the peak of his patience. His eyes flashed rage as he slammed the plate of soup onto the floor with a loud crash.

Before Raekii could react, the sting of his hand against her cheek left her reeling, the force of the blow reverberating through her skull. Her mind filled with the sting for a moment, while her nose exuded crimson liquid.

Despite of the pain radiating from her cheek, she refused to cower before him, her eyes fiery.

Raekii had made a bold move to leave Taehyung, to break free from his suffocating grasp. But her attempt to leave only served to fuel Taehyung's insanity, prompting him to kidnap her like that, trapping her against her will.

Her throat left a screech when she felt him grabbing a bunch of her loose hair in his harsh grip, pulling it backwards making her groan as her head moved in sync with his hand.

"I told you before, you're stuck with me, yea?! You don't like it when I'm being soft with you, isn't it?" His voice lurked with menace, while he pull more of her hairs, detaching a large number from her scalp.

"Now say, what to do with a disobedient girl? Hm?" Impulse ran through her spine feeling a cold metal brushing her left bicep.

A gut-wrenching scream filled the room as he cut a slit in her skin by the whetted object. Blood oozed from it marking her arm with a dark red line.

"So fragile,huh?" A toxin filled smirk took place in his lips.

"This is just the beginning, my dear. I'll show you such a kind of hell that you'll regret every harsh words you've ever said to me, and your petite brain will remove every thought of leaving me itself."  He finished with a feather peck in her forehead with such endearment.

He somehow felt the dryness lingered on her tongue. He picked up the plastic bottle from his right side and opened the cap.

Her eyes emotionless, yet trying its best to relieve their owner by removing some of her stress, so they wetted the swollen tear glands, streaming uncontrollably.

"Here." He made her drink some sips of the life saving liquid whilst the other didn't object, giving up as she felt the lack of energy.

He wiped her cheeks, face cold and dry as solid carbon-di-oxide. "Don't cry. I'll be back." He dispersed from her sight eventually as the faint sound of the footsteps rang into her ear.

Feeling completely and utterly hopeless, Raekii's boldness and defiance crumbled completely like the wall of Jericho as she closed her eyes, trying to relieve her mind from all of the happenings.

She looked down, at her abdomen. Her 5 months old baby bump was slightly visible as the source of light was too slender.

"My baby." She mumbled lastly before darkness consumed her consciousness.


Credit of the chapter ➡ Cratimy

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