1~11: Bonding, Hugging, and Impending Doom. Yay!

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I didn't see Minho and Thomas off in the morning. 

When I had bid Thomas goodnight, I found Chuck and had him bring over some food. Then I returned to the Med-jack hut where Teresa was, and we spent the night there. I meant to stay awake through the night and watch over Alby, but fatigue overcame me, and I passed out in a chair next to his bedside. When I woke the next morning, Chuck was waving a bowl of food under my nose.

"Wakey, wakey, Han," he grinned. "Come eat some delicious breakfast!"

I groan, opening my eyes to his smiley face. "G'morning Chuck," I yawn, sitting up to stretch. He sits back and sets the bowl on a side table. Teresa is sitting next to us, eating her own meal. I throw her a smile, and she returns one back to me.

"I figured you guys were pretty tired and wouldn't want to get up, so I had Frypan make two meals for you guys!" Chuck exclaims. "I got hungry on the way over though and ate some of your bacon."

I laugh and put the bowl into my lap as Chuck slides a fork into my hand. "Don't worry about it Chuck. Thanks for bringing us something."

He nods and keeps talking. "I also brought Thomas the food like you asked. He's really awesome ya know. I think he really is going to get us out of here. What do you think?"

I shrug. "I haven't been sure about anything for a long time, Chuck, but I agree with you. He might get us out."

"How long have you guys been here for?" Teresa asks.

"Only a month for me," says Chuck. "But three years for Hanna."

"Three years?!" Teresa exclaims.

Chuck nods along and says, "Yeah. She was the very first Glader."

Teresa studies me. "You had to be alone here for a month?"

"Yeah," I responded. "But after the first week, it honestly wasn't bad. I got over my fears."

"And then Alby came along!" Chuck continues. "Then Newt, then Minho, then Gally, then..."

Chuck continues going on as I look over at Alby. He's lying very still on the bed and looks very corpselike. I finish my breakfast while Chuck continues yapping and I check Alby's vitals. He's stable for now. Eventually, Newt comes in and takes Chuck away from us to work.

"C'mon, can't I stay here?" Chuck whines.

"No," Newt sighs, exasperated, "Let's go. You can see them later."

Chuck begrudgingly leaves, saying his goodbyes. I smile and say, "Don't worry Chuck, we'll see you soon!"

Teresa chuckles once he's gone. "That kid loves to talk," she observed.

I roll my eyes. "Tell me about it. I love him though."

"He is very sweet."

"He would probably throw up if you said that to his face."

"Oh yes he would."

We start laughing. The two of us were going to be here all day watching Alby, so we might as well get comfortable. The first few hours weren't so bad; Teresa asked a lot of questions about the Maze and the Glade. I answered to the best of my ability. We then turned to more serious topics of conversation.

"Do you have weird dreams?" Teresa asks.

My head snaps up. If Thomas told her about my dreams, I'm going to kill him. "Yes," I replied slowly. "How'd you know?"

"I didn't. I was just curious because I had weird dreams last night. And when I was in that coma state. I remember flashes of things. I was wondering if maybe other people did too."

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