2~7: I Am Vengeance. Bitch. - most definitely Batman

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(A/N: guys THANK YOU SO MUCH for the support you have given me so far throughout this. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you guys. Getting notifications of new followers and votes is so so cool and I am so grateful. Also thank you so much for the comments because I LOVE reading them. it literally makes my day when I get to read the new comments you guys post. so THANK YOU I LOVE ALL Y'ALL

...also TW: torture kinda i think

...and yeah this was not edited)


Eyes wide, I stumble backwards at the sudden implosion of the warehouse that used to be in front of me. Thomas is still in there. Oh please, don't let him be dead.


The sound of Minho's fist colliding with Jorge's cheek pulls me from my horror. I spin around to see Jorge on the ground. Minho is on top of the man, relentlessly beating the crap out of him. We all swarm around Minho in an instant, pulling him back and away from a bloody Jorge.

Both Minho and Jorge are spewing profanities at each other while the rest of us are holding Minho back. I see an overhead light sweep over the debris. WICKED is still out there, looking for survivors.

"Shut up!" I ordered. "Move in. We can't be seen."

Minho and Jorge begrudgingly listen, casting dark looks at each other. We crouch down out of sight and wait for the WICKED helicopter to retreat.

Once the search party gives up, determining that there must be no survivors left, Minho gets back to his business with Jorge.

"You piece of fucking shit!" Minho seethes. "This was your plan all along! Take us out one by one huh?"

"You're a fucking imbecile, boy, if you think that was my plan," Jorge grunts, spitting out blood.

"I know it was. And now you're outnumbered six to one, and you just killed our friend. I'm going to filet you alive you evil little-"

"Woah, woah, woah, Minho! Minho. Stop," I ordered. "Just shut up."

"Hanna! He killed-"

"SHH! Not a fucking word."

He shuts his mouth, fuming. I fix my gaze on Jorge, who is slumped against a slab of concrete wall. "You do have some explaining though. Why the hell did Brenda run off just as I was about to take the zipline down?"

"I have no clue," Jorge admits.

"Bullshit!" Minho spits. I hold a hand up to tell Minho to chill out.

"You could be an evil little fuck and you just let Brenda and Thomas blow up to lighten the load, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt because I can tell you care about Brenda. Now, we weren't in the compound very long, so I didn't get to scan for many exits in case shit hit the fan, which it did. Is there a possibility that Brenda led Thomas out and they're alive?"

Please, please, please say yes. He cannot be dead.

    "Yes," Jorge grunts, gingerly touching his busted nose. "There's an escape hatch leading underground that Brenda most likely led them through. If they took that, then they're alive."

Thank God. They better be.

"Now," Jorge continued. "Our original plan was to meet up with Marcus. Brenda knows this plan. So our best bet is to stay on course and try to meet them there. It's no use to try and fish them out from under the rubble.

"Marcus?" Newt asks. "Who the hell is that?"

"An old friend. He would sell kids to the Right Arm."

"Sell?" I echo, already disgusted.

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