2~1: Alice... or Hanna in Zombieland

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(you guys better get the reference or I will die)

If you would've told me ten minutes ago that there was some abomination that was worse than Grievers, I would call you insane.

Turns out I'm dead fucking wrong.

See, our beautiful planet Earth decided to drop an absolute ZINGER on the global population with the mutation of a virus known as 'the Flare'. I could go into some long-ass biological lecture about how it came to be, but I really don't care. The bottom-line is that the Flare turns people into zombies. Really creepy, eat-your-face-off, zombies.

Or "cranks". That's the official nickname.


After escaping the Maze, my friends and I learned about said virus via a video pre-recorded by a woman who decides to meet her maker right after giving us all this information. She seemed to have forgotten to turn off the camera before doing so however, so now we have yet another thing to bring up in therapy. If we live that long.

We get the pleasure of seeing said Cranks after our little helicopter joyride. The people who lifted us out of the Maze landed in front of a huge facility located in the middle of a desert. Seconds after we land, doors open and soldiers are immediately pulling us out, telling us to run for the building. I make the mistake of turning around to see why and nearly piss myself.

Disfigured bodies of humans (well, cranks) are hauling ass down the sand dunes screeching their heads off. "We got cranks!" One soldier shouts, and masses of them are moving forwards, opening fire on the creatures.

"Thomas!" I shout, shaking the boy urgently. "C'mon! We gotta go now!"

He startles awake and I pull him up. We run for the building as soldiers pass us, going the opposite direction to provide reinforcements for the other gunmen who were mowing down Cranks.

We all stumble into a large industrial facility and the huge doors slam shut behind us. Two soldiers push us all forward, telling us to move. One of them rounds to the front of the group and we follow him to some room. Once we're all inside, they slam the door shut.

"Well, what the hell?" Minho grumbled. "They really just think they can shove us around for no reason."

"Guys," Newt says, wide-eyed. He points to the large table in front of him that is loaded with fresh food.

"Holy shit," Frypan stares. I'm immediately headed for the table while the rest of them stand gawking.

"Well, c'mon, you shanks," I directed. "Don't just stand there, let's eat. I'm starving!"

Everyone else quickly follows and we all sit. I'm in awe at the vast amount of food in front of me. This was insane. I had never seen this much food in my life. We all quickly dig in, and joyous sounds fill the room as we're all stuffing ourselves.

"Pace yourselves, everyone," Newt orders. "Don't want anybody to get sick."

"I don't care if I projectile vomit all over your face, Newt," Minho snorts, stuffing his face full of mashed potatoes. "This stuff is way better than Frypan's cooking."

"Hey!" Fry blurted out. "My cooking is just fine!"

"Oh really?" Minho challenged. He thought for a second, then loaded some potatoes onto his spoon and launched it into Fry's face. "Taste that shit, man. Delicious."

"Why you-" Fry started, but he decided against it and just attacked. He launched applesauce at Minho, who ducked. It hit Newt instead, who grinned and started throwing food. Pretty soon, everyone was involved in an all-out food fight. I was too busy eating, so I tried to avoid any flying projectiles and continue enjoying my meal.

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