2~8: Sugar, Spice, and I Need Some Fucking Rice to Soak Up My Tears

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anyways enjoy because a lot of questions you may have about Hanna's past will be answered in this chapterrrrr!)


Turns out, 'Bertha' is the name of a car. I left a very dead Marcus and snuck out the back door of the building to find the others waiting. Everyone was quietly conversing, but they stopped and turned to face me. I look right at Jorge.

"Ready to go?" my gravelly voice comes. From emotion or dehydration, I'm not sure. Let's go with dehydration.

"Ready to go," Jorge confirms. "Let's load up! Some of you will have to sit on the ground," he adds. "Not a whole lot of room in there for all of us."

The others turn and start clambering into the car. I fall in behind Teresa and wait for her to sit down in one of the seats. Once she's settled, I slide down onto the floorboards in front of her, pulling my knees to my chest. I put my head down and curl up into a little cocoon.

I hear the door shut and the engine starts. Away we go.


I had a very nice nap for the drive up to the mountains. I woke up at one point to Thomas and Minho muttering back and forth, but I stayed in my current position.

"What's going on with her?" Thomas asked quietly, concerned.

"You seriously have to ask that right now?" Minho scoffs.

"Well, I understand the whole thing with Marcus, but... she won't even look at me."

Minho sighed before responding. "Do you... not remember what you were doing before you blacked out?"

"I... oh. Oh shit."

"Yeah, oh shit is right," Minho snorts. "I had to physically restrain her from ripping both of your heads off."

"It wasn't what it looked like. At all," Thomas claims. "I thought she..." his voice trails off. I roll my eyes under my closed lids. Probably doesn't want Brenda or I to hear whatever he's about to say. I don't want to hear it anyway, so I tune out the rest of their conversation and go back to sleep.

I jolt awake when Bertha comes to a halt. I pick up my head and blink a few times. Teresa waves at me from above. "Good morning, sleepyhead."


I feel jostling around me and notice that everyone's getting out. I scoot out of Teresa's way and stand before practically tumbling out of the car. Thomas, that asshole, grabs my arm to keep me from face planting.

I purse my lips in annoyance and pull away from him once my feet are on solid ground.

"Hanna," he starts, and I brush past him. I do not want to talk to you right now buddy. I come to stand next to Jorge and we take in the scene in front of us. The road is blocked off by many crashed cars that are effectively preventing us from driving around. Great. More walking.

Jorge glances over at me.

"How are you doing hermana?"

"Better," I say. "I am sorry, by the way." For killing an old friend. I hated that guy, but Jorge still knew him.

"Don't be," Jorge says, patting me on the shoulder. "I would've done the exact same thing if I was in your position. Besides, any friendship I may have had with that slimeball has been washed down the drain. There's no going back from the business he was into."

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