1~9: Gally Supremely Fucks Up My Day

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The rest of the night went considerably peaceful. We kept moving to avoid Grievers, taking short breaks along the way. Finally, when the sky lightened up and the sun began its ascent, we took a well-earned stop. 

We all collapsed against the wall, absolutely exhausted. The adrenaline that spiked from trying not to die had worn off, and the throbbing pain from my injury had come at me full force. The bleeding was on and off; sometimes everything was fine, then sometimes the cut reopened.

There wasn't any gauze left in our packs to help rewrap my wound and add more pressure, so I had one arm permanently pressed against my abdomen to quell the bleeding. It's definitely going to get infected, but luckily, I can remedy that back in the Glade. I'll probably need stitches too, but I hate needles. I can use them on other people just fine and not get squeamish, but taking one to myself is a whole different story.

Minho and Thomas weren't hurt at all, which made me feel a bit better. I blamed myself for Alby getting stung. I shouldn't have let him come with us. I also blamed myself for getting us stuck here. On the other hand, the one thing I didn't have to blame myself for was the fact that Minho and Thomas survived the night injury-free. Well, maybe a few bruises and lacerations, but nothing serious.

"How're you doing, Han?" Minho asked, his eyes clearly reflecting how appalled he was by the amount of blood stained on the gauze.

"Fine," I sigh, resting my head on the wall, closing my eyes.

"You don't look fine," Thomas said.

"Well I am," I say tightly.

Truth be told, I'm a little enraged with both of them. First with Minho for being stubborn and refusing to leave me and Alby, but then at the last second, dipping when we actually needed his help to secure Alby in the vines. I know those two statements contradict themselves, but I'm just mad that he doesn't listen to me.

Second, Thomas ran into the Maze, which we all forgot about instantly because there were more pressing matters at hand. I do appreciate that he was just trying to help, but he doesn't realize how controversial this situation is going to get back at the Glade. Gally's going to have steam coming out of his ears when we get back.

Whatever. It'll be fine. Right now, I need to focus on not passing out from the pain, even though I really would like to go unconscious right now. Apparently, Thomas is concerned about me going to sleep as well because he shakes me. "Hey, Hanna," my eyes fly open, flitting to his worried ones.

"I'm not dead yet," I groan. "Don't worry."

"But see, we are worried you shuck face," comments Minho.

"Thanks, Minho."

I roll my head in Minho's direction. He's now standing, hands on his hips, ready to go. I take that as my sign to move, rising very slowly, using the wall for support. Thomas helps me stand and I immediately sink into him because the walls are literally spinning. I faintly hear Thomas say, "We really need to get her back."

"Don't you think I know that you stupid shuck?"

Thomas sighs, exasperated with Minho's attitude. "You okay, Hanna?"

I nod tiredly.

"Okay, we'll just take it slow."

And we do. We made good time though and returned to where Alby was hanging out fairly quickly. Thomas leans me against the wall and helps Minho get Alby down from the vines. The two of them then hoist the boy up, and Thomas gestures for me to come over.

He offers his other arm to help me, but I wave it off and grab Alby's legs. I don't want to look like a bitch in front of the others. With the three of us carrying him, we made it back to the Glade in about ten minutes. We pass through the open doors as Gladers ascend upon us. Clint and Jeff are taking Alby out of our arms, loading him up on a stretcher and hurrying him to the Med-jack hut. Minho and I are tackled in an embrace by a both relieved and furious Newt.

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