3~11: the Biggest April Fool's Prank EVER

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 My eyes pop open as pain flares through my body. Blinking, I adjust to the dim lighting and stare up at the wooden rafters that shelter me. My body presses into a straw mattress, my head resting on a cotton pillow.

I'm back in the land of the living.

Groaning, I lift my head to look around the rest of the room. Tables and two other beds are set up with medical supplies scattered around. In a chair next to me, fast asleep, is Thomas. Chin down, his chest rises and falls slowly, one hand resting on his leg. His other hand is intertwined with one of mine, the smooth and warm skin of his palm pressed to me.

Smiling at the sweetness of the boy next to me, I squeeze his hand gently, admiring his features. His tanned skin, the freckles that dotted his face and neck, his dark lashes and eyebrows that complimented his face and those beautiful hazel-brown eyes when they were open. His strong build, the muscles that rippled through his arms, his tall figure that was curled up just so he could be close to me.

I didn't want to wake him. He looked so peaceful, and he was finally catching up on sleep. I wasn't sure where we were, but I figured we were at the safe haven considering that Thomas was one hundred percent at ease. He must have freakish senses, though, because he stirred at my slight movements.

Thomas rubbed his free hand over his eyes sleepily, yawning. He sat up slightly and glanced over at me, immediately doing a double-take. His eyes popped out of his head as I whispered, "Hi," with a small smile. He dropped out of the chair to his knees, wrapping me in a gentle embrace and smothering my face in kisses.

He was crying while I was giggling and crying, both overwhelmed by the other's presence. His lips found mine and he mumbled, "I'm so mad at you," before he kissed me deeply, warm lips locking with my dry ones.

He drew back slightly, running his hands over my hair lightly to brush it away from my face. The pads of his fingers drifted down over my face, tracing my forehead, cheekbones, jaw, and chin. His thumb brushed over my lips lovingly as his beautiful eyes soaked up my features.

"Mad, huh?" I smirk cheekily, and he laughs quietly.

"Yes, mad," he claims, continuing to trace his fingers from my face to my shoulders. "Furious. But I can't tell you how relieved I am that you're okay." He pauses before looking at me sternly. "Never do anything like that ever again."

"Or what?" I tease, brows raised.

"Or I'll give you so many kids that you won't have time to leave the house."

I burst out laughing, clapping a hand over my sore ribs. Thomas is maintaining a pretty good poker face, but I can see him starting to crack.

"I guess you better get busy then, because I was planning on pulling off some sketchy shit," I shrug, and his serious facade breaks down as he starts laughing with me.

"Seriously though, Han, please stop having near death experiences," he pleads.

"Near death? I did die."

"Excuse me?"

"It was weird," I shrug. "Talked to a very nice man while I was basically sitting in a pool of light before He sent me back here." I roll onto my side so I can see him a bit better and say, "Our friends are up there."

"...All of them?"

"Yeah. All of them. Chuck's waiting for us. And Alby. Everyone."

"That's good to hear." Thomas's eyes grow misty as he pulls me tightly to his chest. "There's... uh... something you should know. Teresa... didn't make it. I'm so sorry."

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