The Tyrant Class

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Kepler and Rapunzel get in a somewhat unusual formation with Rapunzel in the frontline and Kepler in the back

"Kepler what are you planning?" Rapunzel freaking out as the tyrant class came closer and closer

"Cast the recovery spell I'll end this quick" Rapunzel did as she is told, praying for her life, Kepler starts to recover slowly then fast with all the cast of words.

"Let's take 'em down with one punch" overheating his own core, he uses a boost and dashes toward the enemy with speed that could rival a f1 race car

With that speed he punched the tyrant with full force but all he could do was knock him back off his feet

"No way" looking at the Rapture he has only left a dent on his body

"Rapunzel stay back and heal me from afar, I don't want to put you in any type of danger alright"

"No I want to help" Kepler sighed knowing it would be hard to even tell her

"Alright if you want to help, go behind that pile of rubble and hide behind there while you heal me from afar" smacking me with her staff

"I'm being serious, now let me help" she said while rubbing Kepler's head

"Alright, help me distract the rapture while I try to find it's weak spot. I'll also use some attacks Master had taught me back then in her honor" Rapunzel charged towards the Rapture, dodging it's incoming attack

"It's weak spot should be" deeply looking at it's design, he found it at the back of it's artifical head

"This is one weird looking rapture, the Queen is doing some unnecessary work in that lab of hers if she thinks this is a new and improved rapture. Well I guess the body armor is a good start but the rest of it's design isn't" Kepler saw his opportunity and dashed towards the core but was smacked away by it's claw

"What the" Kepler looked and saw a claw going back inside it's body

"It comes with surprises as well" Rapunzel yelled while she dodged another attack

Kepler went for another attack but was quickly smacked harder than last time but he kept getting back up but he had the same results

"Damn if I keep doing this then Rapunzel will get captured by this bastard and I won't have a way to free her" Kepler had to think of a plan fast and he knew it right off the top of his head

"Rapunzel keep dodging, I know what we must do" Rapunzel understood and went by Kepler word

Rummaging through his bag, he pulled out a pistol but a pistol used for Nikkes

"I had this if I were to us it and I'm gonna use it for this special occasion" I point the gun towards Rapunzel and shot, looking at where I shot, the claw limped and the rapture looked like it was in pain

"Kepler look at where you're shooting that thing, you almost hit me with it"

"Well that's the plan keep dodging" Kepler aim towards Rapunzel and he shot, as soon as the bullet could hit Rapunzel moved out the way as the claw came down hitting the rapture

"Now his third claw is what I need to shoot and I'll be able to put him down for sure" Kepler dashed towards the core and as soon as he made it he shot where the claw came out

Dodging the claw he dashed closer and jumped as high as he could as he landed on the round body it had and continued to make his way to the core

Just as it happened, a claw smacked Kepler from it's body

"What in the" falling to the ground he looked back up and saw a forth claw, then a fifth, then another one and another one

"I think I just discovered a new rapture, Rapunzel" he got to his feet while Rapunzel made her way bad to Kepler

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