Heretic Fragments

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The Commander head right back to the surface with Absolute. They began their cooperation when they met inside Andersen's room with the CEO of Elysion, Ingrid. They were tasked to find Heretic fragments

"So how long will it be till we get to Area H?" The Commander asks

"It'll take a while but we'll be there in a few days." That's all the Commander had to know

They walked to the path to their destination. That's when Shifty pops up out of nowhere

"Commander? Can you here me?"

"Loud and clear Shifty. What's up?" Commander asks the blue girl

"I'm just here to remind you that your mission is to come back with Heretic fragments. So, we can have the next generation of Nikkes be stronger than the current ones we have." The Commander is reminded on what he has to do

"Got it Shifty." Shifty smiles at the Commander and waves goodbye

The Commander continues to walk with his squad and Absolute

Missilis Tower
The CEO of Missilis sits on her chair where she still tries to get information on the model MUI-7789. The Commander seems to know a lot on this classified Nikke who is believed to be dead, but if she can get her hand on his brain or head, maybe just maybe she can make Male Nikkes be a thing once again and have a purpose but most importantly, she'll gain fame and praise.

"Syuen? You called?" Said an orange haired Nikke. A squad including 3 specific Nikkes a hero, a villain, and a scientist

"What deed must we do to save the world this time?" A girl with blonde hair happily said

"Will we be giving candy to children like a true villain should?" The girl with white hair said

"Shut it and no we will not be doing any foolish thing like that." Syuen said

"I've called you here because I need something from the surface. You see I've been keeping an eye on something that the special Commander has been hiding." She said pulling out a print copy of a unit called MUI-7789

"This right here is a long lost brother on the Nikke's and I'm trying to find him. I've heard the Commander was hiding him from us and I have a feeling that he wouldn't have gotten those accomplishments without him." Syuen spoke

"Laplace I want you to use your hero skills to bring him back to us but before we can bring him back." Syuen looks at Maxwell

"Maxwell please mark where he is being kept of was last seen. If he's on the surface make talk to distract him." Syuen orders

"Drake, come back for me and guide me to the surface so I can see him face to face." Syuen grins

"But Syuen do you know where he was last seen or even have any where about on him?" Maxwell asks a question

"I'll send you the location he was last seen, thanks to a certain someone."

"Once you are done report back to me and guide me then head to the Commander location to fight of the Heretic." Syuen smiles

"Matis begin your mission right now and head to the surface immediately."

"Aye aye captain." Laplace runs out the room with Drake following behind

"Maxwell?" The woman turns to see her boss

"Make sure those fools don't cause any trouble." Maxwell nods and follows behind her squad

"I'll make sure to use those Heretic fragments to modify that Nikke and soon he will be my next big thing."

"The fame and praise that I will get for finding an ancient scrap yard." Syuen smiling to herself

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