Marian's Protection

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A month goes by since Marian was brought back to humanity's side. The vapaus bullet that was still in her brain was taken out surprisingly easy. She also went through a memory wipe because of some odd phrases she would say, reverting her brain back into a toddler.

Days go by and she speaks very fluently as she once did, some words she isn't able to pronounce but at least the Counters understand what she's trying to say.

After the month ends, Counters get back to work as usual and are sent to their first mission, to clear a horde of rapture that are nearby at the Outpost

"Alright Marian make sure to use your guns to fire at the raptures just like we taught you." Neon holding her shotgun showing Marian how combat works at the battlefield

"Why?" Marian asks clueless on why the raptures have to be knocked down

"To claim back the surface." Neon responds

"But why kill the raptures. Did they do something wrong?" Modernia asks

Neon looks confused as she realizes, she has no idea why they fight raptures. She turns to Anis who is also thinking the same way. Modernia turns her attention to Rapi and asks the same question

"I have no idea." Rapi couldn't give her a complete answer as she too wonders the same question

Marian looks at the Commander and as soon as she was going to let out another 'Why' he lead the way out of the Outpost and straight to the surface

Up at the surface

Counters made their way to the area that needs a wipeout and as soon as they arrive to their destination, Raptures sound their alarms and the Counters are heading to battle

Marian made quick work, but hesitated most of the time while shooting the enemy. The battle ends with Counter on top

Marian moves forward to a fallen rapture who lies lifeless. She puts her hand over the deceased rapture

"I hope you're in a better place now." Marian removes her hand from the rapture while the Counters look confused at what they just witness

"Marian you know their the enemy right?" Anis spoke out

"They maybe the enemy, but they at least need a proper send-off." The Commander tapped Rapi on her shoulder

"This has to be part of her Heretic mind right?" Rapi looks at Marian who properly sends off the tapture and turns back to the Commander with the same serious expression

"Yes, it's probably that." Rapi turns to Anis and Neon

"You two." Both Anis and Neon turn their head to Rapi direction

"Tell Marian to knock it off. If she continues to be attracted to the Rapture's we'll be in big trouble." Rapi said with a small harsh tone. Anis and Neon walk to Marian while the Commander looks at Rapi

"I mean you could've said it nicely like 'Stop her from talking to the rapture' or something along the lines like that." Commander said

"I'll keep that in mind, sorry Commander." Commander brushes it off. Marian came back to the group furious, looking right at the Commander

"Commander, why can't I send them off like a regular Nikke should?" Commander was kinda confused as he looked at Neon

"Sorry Master but Marian got mad when we told her she can't send off raptures." Commander looks at a teary-eyed Marian

"Listen Marian. We must do our job to reclaim the surface. Sending off loads of raptures will be a waste of time." Marian goes and hugs the Commander. The Commander just pats her head and let's go

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