The Invasion

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A peaceful day, enjoying the fresh air on a summer day graduating, hired on the spot or being hired, starting a new leaf, life was not too simple before. Inflation, Corruption and Abused Power but we are use to it and just ignore and continue with our lives, a first generation Hispanic-American, I've enjoyed my life, I've made my parents sacrifice a luxury life and I enjoy spending time with my children and wife at just 21 years old. That's when it hit in the sky a giant meteor landed somewhere in the middle of our world.

The news, broadcast minutes later, then another meteor came falling from the sky, followed by more and more. I've told my family to go down in the basement and I called my parents and the rest of my family, to stay put and I'll be coming for them.

I've went to each house and told them to pack as much food as possible, knowing well this is something serious. Hearing the news on the radio saying that the military has the situation under control and telling us more information as the hours go by.

"The large meteors that landed on earth seem to be a metallic ball, seems to be around 7 foot tall and 15 feet wide" I'm here thinking it's probably space trash that has somehow made its way to the earth's atmosphere but how would multiple metal objects make there to the earth's atmosphere.

That's when we heard gun shots outside  and a loud thud was heard. I've heard explosions go off and rocket lunchers go off then the thuds stopped. That when a powerful explosion was heard as my house began to crumble down.

"Daddy, I'm scared" My daughter cried out to me as she hugged me tightly. I looked at her hugging her and my son tightly. Thankfully there was a door behind up that leads to an exit and we could leave anytime but not now because whatever is out there has no idea we're in here.

After a few hours the radio has gotten signal once again and the news broadcaster told us our world has come to an end and they will extinct humanity. I looked at my family and looked at the exit

"It seems we are going to be stuck here for a while, it's better this way since we have nowhere else to go in the mean time" I looked at all the food and look at our family, since my wife's parents died a couple of years back and she had no remaining family except us I knew we could pull this off

"We'll ration our food and then we'll have to move, I guess in the last 10 days Me, Dad and our Brother will go our separate ways to find new shelter and find food and water and we'll continue the process till the government think of something" with all the chatter we came to an agreement and called it

Months Later

Months went by and we were as much alive until I rummage through a recycling bin and found some batteries for the radio I had. I put the batteries in and fix the antenna to see if any radio towers were still working and lucky for me a station was available. The news of humanoid was being presented

"The next hope for humanity are human robots as the remaining government, scientists and tech companies have come together to create our last hope, right now they need volunteers to test this operation, so if you are willing to be a first to lead us to victory, come to this location on your map" The news anchor said 

I looked at my map and took out my compass from my back pocket

"Alright, I'll go volunteers" I said aloud making sure everyone heard my word

Few days later

I've made my destination with everyone in my family or so as many, some stayed behind, while the others could make it. Only my parents, wife and children were left. Luckily my sister and here family stayed behind and thought smart.

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