The Blacksmith

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I take my time to get to the crash site, while I walk I hear rapture getting close to me

"Well I guess I don't need to play stupid all the time" removing my gloves and began to punch and box the raptures, scattered like parts, I rip open to collect their cores so I could use them as batteries for later and finally change my own core since I had mine from the first rapture invasion

"Well now I can continue, right Red Hood" I smiled while holding the rapture core, clenching it to my chest

"You were a good friend, sucks you has to leave so soon" while the thought of Red Hood came to my mind from the core I remembered why I got up, I put the cores in my bag and ran to the site to see if any survivors we there

Making my way to the site there was no one except fallen commanders and broken supply boxes

"We'll I'll be damned" I began to look through the boxes to see if I could find some supplies or even food. I scavenge and only found splendamin but I found a few bottles of water

"Well this is something at least" then I detected a rapture nearby and I head north but stopped by something behind me

A tyrant class rapture or also know as a Blacksmith

"Following people is something I always hated since the day I was born" I took off my gloves but I was stopped by raptures who began to back up the tyrant class

"I knew it wasn't going to be that easy" I began to take them all on in this fight while puncturing holes and making them lay lifeless on their backs? Or? I don't know at least their dead

As I continued with my own little rampage my cockiness gotten the better of my I was captured by the Blacksmith

"Dammit, I hate doing this, I always over estimate myself sometimes" I tried and tried but "I'm a male android I'm not strong" I began to accept my fate but I didn't make it this far to be a bitch

I began to struggle but I wiggle to loosen the grip of it's claw and when I did I was free

"Thank the lord above" I prayed a little and started to set my sights on him and went all out on him, making sure he doesn't let another grip on me and soon he was down with a shot from afar

"There is no way" I looked up to the sky and saw a sniper or also known as Seven Dwarfs 1, A white haired girl with a visor

"Snow White I am forever grateful" I looked at her as she makes her way down here, I feel my core begin to break or in other words chest pain

She came right in time and as I wanted to greet here well I told her to change my core since it was beginning to finally dull and I need it change as soon as possible

"Well just lay down and I'm going to open up your chest" I unbutton my shirt and took off my tank top and I lied down on my back and powered myself off going into maintenance mode

Sometime has passed and I booted up again, my eyes had life and my body could move and soon enough I was doing better

"So how do you feel, Kepler?" Snow white asked as I laid on her lap, I've gotten up jumped a little and told her "Never felt better" smiling at her then remembering something.

"Oh yeah, White" She look at me with concern thinking it's something serious since on rare occasions I ever call her White. "Here" rummaging through my back I found it and handed it to her

"A Splendamin Super Chocolate Bar" She drooled and unwrapped it to eat the artifical chocolate bar. 'She does resemble my wife a bit' I smiled as I was lost in thought and began to make a fire

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